Dying Light 2 takes place decades after the events of the first game. Set in the Modern Dark Ages, this sequel has a much larger scale than the original game. But what has changed between Dying Light and Dying Light 2?
What Year Does Dying Light 2 Take Place?
Dying Light 2 takes place in 2036. This sequel is set nearly 20 years after the events of the original Dying Light game. The first game depicted an outbreak of a rabies-like virus that turned all the people in Harran into Zombies. There was relative peace for five-odd years, however, everything changed after The Fall.
The Fall is an event that took place in 2021 in the Dying Light universe. After the events of Dying Light, the Global Relief Effort (GRE), the organization that managed to develop a vaccine for Harran Virus, has resurfaced. Despite its promises of ceasing the research, GRE was developing a bioweapon based on the Harran Virus.
In 2021, the mutated and more potent version of this virus broke out from GRE facilities and caused a devastating, global-level pandemic. The virus quickly took over the world, wiping out most of the human population and turning them into Zombies. This event has been called ‘The Fall,’ which brought forth the period of Zombie supremacy, known as the Modern Dark Ages.
The human population in the sequel has resorted to living in small settlements scattered across the barren world. Villedor is one of the few remaining walled cities that has managed to keep the infected at bay. The main story of Dying Light 2 takes place in Villedor in 2036.
Taking on the role of Aiden Caldwell, players are tasked with looking for a vaccine for this even deadlier version of the original Harran Vaccine. They must rid Villedor of the brutal Factions who strive to control the city and impose their own inhumane rule.