In Dragon’s Dogma 2, traveling the land as the Arisen, you have numerous opportunities to help various people with their problems. In one case, you may help an old man named Morris rescue his grandson, Rodge. However, the lad is difficult to locate and time is of the essence.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Where to find Rodge in Prey for the Pack
You first meet Morris in Checkpoint Rest Town, a settlement located on the Vermund-Battahl border to the west of the capital city. Along Vermund’s west side, there is an Oxcart to ride. For 200G, it will take you to your destination. When you arrive, make your way to Morris’s Apothecary, located near the center of the town. The vendor tells you about the missing youth. If you agree to help him, you initiate the Prey for the Pack quest. To find Rodge, you must search the Putrid Cave to the east of the Checkpoint Rest Town settlement.
Prepare to find Rodge
Before you meet with Morris, I suggest you prepare for a few tough battles. The shops sell better gear than you can find in the capital, but it is expensive. You should also prepare supplies for a campfire, as a precaution. The Prey for the Pack quest has a time limit for its first half. If you do not find the boy in time, he will die before you can reach him. You need to work quickly.
Also Read: Who to Give the Beggar’s Garb in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Start by heading downhill, toward the entrance to the town. You will find several people gathered around the village well. Talk to a couple of those residents, specifically Alsa and Jacint. They provide relevant information about Rodge. He likes to pick flowers, and there are flowers in the area that glow in the moonlight. That’s what you need to know. The next order of business is to find the cave where the wolves have taken Rodge.
Travel to the Putrid Cave
The Putrid Cave is located to the east of Checkpoint Rest Town. Follow the main roadway in that direction. Blue flowers should guide you to your destination. They come in large patches. You can harvest them for Moonglow materials, if you wish. I personally don’t bother until after finding the boy. I like them better as markers than as an item in my pack.
As you head east, travel through a very brief cave. Unfortunately, it is not your destination, only a landmark. After passing through that area, continue east. Now you should watch for a river to the north. Keep near its banks, along the north side of the main trail with flowers growing along it. When you find a narrow, wooden bridge, use it to cross to the river’s north side. Then continue east once again.
A large monster patrols this area. You can run past it if you like, which is what I did. However, it will still be there later, which is not convenient. If you have enough time, you might want to kill it now. Then keep going east. Eventually, you reach an area where the path proceeds directly ahead, past some wandering goats. North of that location, you’ll find a campfire. Just east, past the goats, you find the entrance to the Putrid Cave (see its location on the map screenshot below).
Find Roger and escort him back to Checkpoint Rest Town
As you head into the cave, you will find wolves. You have likely encountered numerous wolves up to this point. The ones you meet in the cave are the ones who abducted Rodge. Work to quickly eliminate the pack. There are around four of them.
By now, killing the wolves shouldn’t prove too difficult. In my experience, Rodge actually does a very good job of staying out of harm’s way. Focus on eliminating the wolves quickly and you won’t have any problems. Then talk to the boy. He expresses his gratitude for your heroics. Next, you must lead him back to Morris.
Backtracking is no major chore, since you can still follow the Moonglow flowers most of the way. The main thing that gave me trouble was crossing back over the river. Stick near the water’s edge as you travel back toward town to make it easier to find the bridge you need to cross. You can also make a camp to rest until morning, so that it’s easier to see and so you face less dangerous enemies. As you travel, keep an eye on Rodge. You don’t want to run ahead of him and lose him, but he does a pretty good job of keeping up if you walk most of the way. When you arrive back in town, take Rodge with you to reunite with his grandfather. Morris rewards you with 11000G and Miracle Roborant x2. You also receive 4000 XP.