The Cyberpunk sequel, currently under development by CD Projekt Red, might take place in a brand new location, according to a senior writer associated with Cyberpunk 2077. While talking to Gamingbolt about the sequel, CDPR’s senior writer Magda Zych revealed that they do not think it is necessary for the upcoming game to take place in Night City.
Night City has been the location associated in the public mind with all things Cyberpunk. The base version of the game, as well as the newest expansion, Phantom Liberty, both are set in the uber-capitalistic and hyper-futuristic Night City. Even Netflix’s 2022 web series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, takes place in the same fictional location in the Free State of California.
Cyberpunk Sequel Can Take Place In Any City Where ‘Uber-Capitalism Develops’

According to Zych, who might be playing a huge part in crafting the Cyberpunk sequel’s main plot, Cyberpunk can move away from the Night City in future installments. According to them, “these kinds of stories can take place anywhere that uber-capitalism develops, causing the collapse of societies”. Unbound lawlessness, moral and ethical ambiguity, and increasing reliance on cyber-enhancements are cornerstones of the Cyberpunk universe. Excess of these, coupled with cutthroat capitalistic notions and a near-dystopian backdrop can effortlessly form a masterful setting for any Cyberpunk-esque game.
According to Zych as well as Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith, “cyberpunk as a genre is a kind of warning of what might happen if we’re not careful as a race”. Night City, according to its creators, is merely emblematic of what we, as humans, can expect to happen with our over-reliance on morally dark capitalistic, and have-it-all ideals.
Cyberpunk Sequel Is Currently In The Conceptualization Phase

The Cyberpunk sequel, currently codenamed Project Orion during development, is supposed to be currently in the conceptual design phase. The new project is anticipated to be built using Unreal Engine 5 and developed by a brand new team CDPR has assembled in North America. This team, along with new developers, is also supposed to include several members who have previously worked on either the original game or the Phantom Liberty expansion.
There are a lot of uncertainties when it comes to the Cyberpunk sequel, including the location. Game developers are in the middle of conceptualizing and making hard decisions, including whether or not this sequel should be first person. Even if this upcoming game doesn’t take place in the Night City, one can safely assume that its location will be quite similar to Night City—a neon-ladden, morally gray, and ridiculously violent outland.
Source: Gamingbolt