A reputed 110-year-old theatre troupe is staging a musical adaptation of Final Fantasy 16 next year in Tokyo. The play will be produced by Takarazuka Revue, in association with Square Enix. The stageplay and direction of this adaptation will be done by Naoko Koyanagi.
What’s even more exciting about this upcoming production is that it will be developed and performed by an all-female group. While characters like Jill and Benedikta are sure to shine, it will definitely be fun to see how they interpret the husky and deep rumblings of Clive and Cid.
【 #FF16 × 宝塚歌劇 】
宝塚大劇場/東京宝塚劇場の宙組公演で、ミュージカル『FINAL FANTASY XVI』の上演が決定しました!宝塚大劇場:
2024/7/13(土)~8/25(日)https://t.co/CpZM3FoBlw pic.twitter.com/Uvo6VilII0— FINAL FANTASY XVI (@FF16_JP) July 10, 2023
The production is set to run in Tokyo, in two seasons, starting in May and the last show being performed in August. The first season will take place at the Takarazuka Grand Theater from May 17 to June 23 and the second season will take place at the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater from June 13 to August 25. The tickets are supposed to go live in April 2024.
THIS IS AMAZING!!! Takarazuka is a musical broadway spectacle in Japan where all the characters are played by women, kind of like the opposite of Japanese kabuki.
THIS WILL SURELY BE SOMETHING SPECIAL. The FFX Kabuki theater play blew my mind, and the special thing about…
— ☆オードリーAudrey☆ (@aitaikimochi) July 10, 2023
This will be the second Final Fantasy stage production
Of course, this isn’t the first time a Japanese theatre troupe is undertaking a stage rendition of a Final Fantasy title. Final Fantasy titles have been adapted to several different mediums, including TV shows, movies, and yes, stageplays. Earlier this year, a popular Kabuki Theater group devised a stage adaptation of Final Fantasy 10.
Kabuki is the traditional theatrical form in Japan, wherein all the roles are performed by men. This rendition was greeted with immense success and lauded for its technical aspects, with the production featuring holographic pyreflies on stage.
Source: Square Enix (via Twitter)