Once Human, a multiplayer open-world survival thriller developed by Starry Studio and NetEase, is set to launch its second PC closed beta test in North America, starting from December 6, 2023.
The developers have released an extended trailer to announce the upcoming beta test, which will be available for players on PC in North America.
Interested players will have to pre-register to participate in this closed beta test using the developer’s website. Once registered, players will have to fill out a short survey form, judging their eligibility to take part in the beta test. The developer will send out links to the selected participants before the test commences.
The progress made by players in this Once Human closed beta test will not be rolled over and participants will have to start afresh when the actual game releases in Q3 2024.
Once Human takes place in a bizarre, post-apocalyptic world and pitches players against monstrous enemies, which are products of infusion with an alien parasite called the Stardust. The sandbox game lets you team up with your friends or compete with other players online to achieve the largest territory by pillaging resources, uncovering secret plots, and competing against the rest of the surviving meta-humans (i.e. other players).
The trailer showcases the game’s engaging open-world design, displaying high-quality graphics to depict the derelict, alien-infested world. The trailer also focuses on the gameplay design, showcasing a fluid and fast third-person shooter experience in a host of different in-game domains. The enemy variety in the trailer alone is staggering, with alien monstrosities jumping out of shadowy vignettes toward the player.
Source – Once Human Official Page (Via Twitter)