David Pierce, aka Chesko in the modding community, is working on The Elder Scrolls 6 at Bethesda. Chesko is the mod author for a couple of popular Skrim mods, such as Frostfall and Campfire. This is great news for The Elder Scrolls series fans, as it confirms that the sixth game is currently in development.
In the latest interview on Bethesda.net (first spotted by TheGameNomad), Pierce revealed his involvement in the development of The Elder Scrolls 6. The modder had joined Bethesda two years ago and has previously worked on Economy Design for Starfield. He currently holds the Senior Designer title at Bethesda. When asked about what he’s working on next, he simply replied,
I’m currently working with an amazing team on The Elder Scrolls 6
Pierce is not the first mod author to join Bethesda as a full-time designer. Many game development companies, including Bethesda, have a long history of hiring hobbyist modders as full-time developers. Some other examples in Bethesda itself include Designer Kris Takahashi, who developed Interesting NPCs mod for Skyrim, as well as Elianora, who has developed several beautiful Home Mods for Skyrim, and Stephanie Zachariadis, who was the head writer for Fallout: London mod and currently works as a Quest Designer at Bethesda.
In the interview, Pierce talks about his first modding experience, and his journey from a hobbyist developer to a full-fledged game designer, and shares a couple of anecdotes about some funny experiences while working on Skyrim mods.