The next installment in the popular Skate series by Electronics Arts is rumored to be released in FY 2026. The last game in the series, Skate 3, was released in 2010.
According to a gaming leaker Visceral, Skate 4, stylized and officially titled simply as ‘skate.’, is rumored to be released in FY 2026. The leaker claimed that a confidential source has told them that more than 75 people are working full time on the upcoming gate. In their X post, they also claim that the game is currently in pre-alpha phase and majority of these developers are working completely remote.
Apart from targeted released window of FY 2026 for skate., the leaker also claims the current development team has brought several content developers who previously worked on Skate 3. They claim that Calplex and Zexyzek are two content creators asked to join the current development process for playtesting.
The targeted release window of FY 2026 for skate. seems far in the future. However, the leaker claims that the progress has been slowed because the developer, Full Circle, has been hit by layoffs in 2023. Many had predicted that Skate might launch around mid to late 2024, as the developers have been steadily playtesting the game since early 2022. Even the leaker claims to have seen a playtesting invite.
In the last official news post released by Electronic Arts, the developer has mentioned that console playtesting for Skate will begin in 2024. They also mention that the game, releasing on Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PS4, PS5, and PC via Steam and EA Play, will feature cross-play and cross-progression. They do not mention any expected release window. However, they have said that the game will be released before 2050, as a response to many comments by fans waiting to play this next-gen title.
As the leaker does not reveal any credible sources, we recommend you to take this rumor with a grain of salt.