The grind has begun with the launch of XDefiant. Unlike the betas and server tests, players will need to unlock weapons by completing specific challenges this time. Of the 24 total weapons available in the Pre-Season, only one weapon in each category will be unlocked by default at the start. So here is everything you need to know about unlocking all weapons in XDefiant Pre-Season.
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List of All Weapons and their Unlock Challenges in XDefiant

Apart from the newly added MDR assault rifle, all other locked weapons in XDefiant require you to complete a specific challenge. The challenges are fairly easy and require you to use the same weapon category as the one you are trying to unlock.
XDefiant features seven categories of weapons: Assault Rifles, SMGs, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Snipers, Shotguns, and Secondary Weapons. Here is a full list of all challenges required for each weapon from all seven categories:
Assault Rifles
- M4A1: Unlocked by default
- M16A4: Get 20 Assault Rifle Headshot Kills
- AK-47: Deal 4,000 Damage with Assault Rifles
- ACR 6.8: Get 10 Assault Rifle Longshot Kills (>30m)
- MDR: Unlocked by reaching tier 10 in the Battle Pass
- MP5A2: Unlocked by default
- Vector .45 ACP: Deal 10,000 Damage with SMGs
- P90: Get 10 SMG Hipfire kills
- MP7: Get 10 SMG Point-Blank Kills
- M870: Unlocked by default
- Double Barrel: Get 10 Shotgun Hipfire Kills
- AA-12: Get 15 Shotgun Point-Blank Kills
- M249: Unlocked by default
- RPK-74: Deal 10,000 Damage with LMGs
- M60: Deal 5,000 Damage to Enemy Equipment with an LMG
Marksman Rifles
- MK 20 SSR: Unlocked by default
- SVD: Get 15 Marksman Rifle Longshot Kills (>30m)
- M44: Unlocked by default
- TAC-50: Get 10 Sniper Rifle One-Shot Kills
Secondary Weapons
- M9: Unlocked by default
- 686 Magnum: Get 5 Quick-Swap Kills
- M1911: Get 4 Secondary Weapon Point-Blank Kills
- D50: Deal 1,000 Damage with a Secondary Weapon
- 93R: Sprint 240 seconds with a Secondary Weapon
Also Read: Will XDefiant have Battle Royale?
Most of these XDefiant weapon unlock challenges are trivial, and you will likely complete them without even realizing it. But some of them will require a focused effort, and if you need help understanding some of these terms, here is a list that explains them:
- Longshot Kill: Get a kill on an enemy at a distance of at least 30 meters or more.
- Hipfire Kill: Get a kill without aiming down sights.
- Point-Blank Kill: Get a kill on an enemy at a distance of 5 meters or less. (Extremely close-range kill)
- Quick Swap Kill: Get a kill immediately after switching your weapon.
Keep in mind that these challenges only unlock the base weapon itself. To unlock attachments in XDefiant, you must play with those guns and level them up. Each gun will have different level requirements for its various attachments, which you can see in the loadout menu.