There is a plethora of quests and puzzles in Baldur’s Gate 3. Find the Githyanki Creche is one of the quests that come from your BG3 companion, Lae’zel. This is one of the subquests of another main quest, Find a Cure. In this article, we will explore ways to find the Githyanki Creche and obtain the cure for the Mind Flayer parasite.
Heading to Tiefling camp and finding Zorru
Before heading to Tiefling camp, make sure you have Lae’zel in your party as your companion to progress the quest. According to Lae’zel, to find the Githyanki Creche, we need to talk to Zorru as he has more information about it. To do so, go to the Tiefling camp at (X: 208, Y:436) and walk north to find Zorru at (X: 204, Y: 572). Although if it’s a new place for you and you don’t have access, you can help the locals defend against some Goblins to gain access. After finding Zorru, use Lae’zel from your party to talk to him to advance this Baldur’s Gate 3 quest.
Finding the Githyanki Patrol in Baldur’s Gate 3
Talking to Zorru will provide information about a Githyanki patrol located northwest of Emerald Grove. After heading towards the way, you will catch a glimpse of your first Githyanki and the shadow of their dragon at around (X: -89, Y: 539). Using it as a landmark, continue heading further into the pass until you reach around (X:-112, Y:531), where you’ll encounter a cutscene of a group of Githyanki clashing with a few soldiers.
After the cutscene, Lae’zel will go and try to interact with them. Although this tense part doesn’t go according to the plan, try to convince Lae’zel to play along during this encounter. While interacting with the Githyankis, also remember not to reveal the following as it’ll make them hostile towards you:
- You escaped the Nautiloid ship.
- You have possession of the artifact.
- You are not a True Soul.
But if you do that and kill the Githyankis, you’ll need to loot their bodies and learn the Creche’s location by examining the Elaborate Plate on it.
Entering the Githyanki Creche in Baldur’s Gate 3
Once you’ve learned about the Creche’s location, head towards (X:-176, Y:541) to access the Mountain Pass. After proceeding further, at around (X:-68, Y:-54), Lae’zel will recognize some of the creche markings. As the game suggests that the Githyanki Creche is situated somewhere deep in the Rosymorn Monastery, head towards the cable cart at (X: -46, Y:-73) to get to the other side of the canyon. Before activating the cable cart, remember to use a Strength class character to pass the Strength skill check. But in case you don’t have that, you can use Karlach or take the stairs to go around the canyon.

After going to the other side, follow the path towards (X:63, Y:13) to encounter another cutscene, including Githyanki and prisoners. As the entrance will be locked, you must find a different way to proceed. Go to the left side of the door at (X: 66, Y: 32), where you’ll find some broken windows to climb through.

Once you’re inside the Creche, you’ll find some drunk Kobolds. Although you can trounce them, remember the room is filled with explosive barrels that the Kobolds can use. So, it is better to sneak past them and go towards the rear exit at (X:38, Y:50). Upon exiting, jump across the gap and climb the rocks to the top.

From there, jump southeast to the pool and break down the wooden barricade blocking your entrance to the Monastery. After going inside, take the stairs going down to the ground floor and head towards the door at (X:91, Y:50). Once you proceed through the door, you’ll come across another staircase leading to the Monastery Basement at (X:75, Y:80).

Here you’ll be stopped by the Githyankis. To resolve the situation, let Lae’zel take command of the conversation by selecting ‘Allow Lae’zel to answer’. This will allow you to access the Creche and visit the infirmary to find the cure for the Mind Flayer parasite in Baldur’s Gate 3.
With Githyanchi creche now out of the way, you might be interested in checking out our Baldur’s Gate 3 guides on how to rescue Sazza, or how to complete the ‘Search the Cellar’ quest.