In Baldur’s Gate 3, Noblestalk mushroom is a rare healing ingredient that you will cross paths with while completing the quest ‘Find the Mushroom Picker’. It is a quest item that can be found in the Underdark, an underground location in the first act of the game.
You are set on the pursuit of the Noblestalk mushroom by a Dwarven merchant, Derryth Boneclock. The merchant is trying to save her husband, who had left to find the mushroom a long time ago and hasn’t returned. Apart from offering to sell you other items and buy inventory from you, Derryth also proposes that you help find her husband, Baelen. While she doesn’t offer any reward for this quest, you have the option to accept the quest and move ahead to find the rare healing mushroom.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Noblestalk Quest: Find the Mushroom Picker

If you decide to take Derryth up on the challenge to find her husband, you should leave the Ebonlake Grotto using the southwest exit and then take a right. This would set you on a bridge over a chasm, with a patch of Bibberbang mushrooms on the other end. It’s essential to note that these ominous green Bibberbang mushrooms are toxic in nature and tend to explode if you or any characters from your party get too close to them. You can use cantrips or ranged weapons to destroy this patch of mushrooms before getting close to them. On the north side of the now-cleared patch, you can find the entrance to a cave that is also filled with Bibberbang mushrooms. There you come across one solitary Noblestalk mushroom, and Baelen standing in the back.
If you take the north entrance, it will be fairly easy to spot and communicate with Baelen. Upon the first conversation, you will find him to be a little obnoxious and rude. However, he will eventually ask for your help. He will ask you to get his pack to him, which must be done carefully. Baelen’s pack is located below a torch at the top-left corner of the cave. If the Bibberbang mushrooms explode, it will not only hurt Baelen and your party but also destroy the Noblestalk mushroom.
You can teleport near the pack and grab the torch so it doesn’t set off the Bibberbangs. Once you have it, you can search it, which would award you with a misty step scroll, or give it back to Baelen as it is. You can use Misty Step or Mage Hand scroll to carefully reunite Baelen with his pack. Both methods work perfectly if executed well and if you have a Mage Hand scroll, you won’t even have to step in the cave to retrieve mushroom or Baelen. Once you do this and Baelen gets his hands on his pack, he will immediately teleport leaving you behind.
How to collect Noblestalk in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- Use Misty Step: You can use a Misty Step scroll to teleport yourself near the Noblestalk mushroom and pick it up. This has to be done carefully; otherwise, the Bibberbangs will explode and your character and the Noblestalk will both burn.
- Use Mage Hand: Mage Hand allows you to conjure a magical floating hand that you can use to pick the mushroom up. This can prove to be a good strategy, as you can stay behind the Bibberbang patch and safely retrieve the item.
- Use rocks to navigate: If you have a Githyanki character in your party, you can use their extraordinary strength to boost the distance between jumps and carefully navigate them to the mushroom’s location and back. Alternatively, non-Githyanki characters can utilize strength potions or a potion of Glorious Vaulting to increase any character’s jump distance threefold. However, this is certainly a tricky task and precision in setting waypoints for these jumps is extremely crucial. Furthermore, you should also make sure that you turn off the ‘group mode’ while taking this option. Otherwise, the entire party will move along with you and Bibberbangs will start exploding.
Note: After you have found and collected the Noblestalk, you can use a ranged weapon to destroy the Bibberbang patch (after you and your party are away from the patch). After you have cleared the cave, cast a Perspective spell to uncover a hidden wooden chest right where the Noblestalk was located. This chest will contain 17 Gold, a smokepoweder bomb, and a malachite.
What to do with Noblestalk in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- Give it to Derryth: Even though she didn’t promise a reward, you can give Derryth the Noblestalk after you return from the quest. She will reward you with Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo. Moreover, you can also try to intimidate her and if you pass the spell check, Derryth will offer an additional reward— her wedding ring that’s worth 115 Gold. If you aren’t a necessarily good-aligned character, you can also give the mushroom to Derryth and immediately use pickpocketing to steal the item back from her. This makes Derryth believe that she possesses the item. And she carries on with the reward. In any case, offering the mushroom to Derryth helps her reopen her shop and you can visit the shop next time you are in the area.
- Give it to Baelen: You can also choose to offer the mushroom to Baelen. Doing so will help him regain some of his memories. However, be warned that they are not pleasant ones. Doing so will trigger dialogues that explore Derryth and Baelen’s toxic relationship. You will find that Baelen is abusive and an alcoholic and is the very reason that their shop was shut down. Giving the mushroom to Baelen will result in you gaining no rewards and leave Derryth unhappier.
- Give it to Shadowheart: Giving the mushroom to Shadowheart will help her regain some of her lost memories. And she will offer you some rich and interesting dialogue options.
- Use it yourself: Noblestalk mushroom in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a rare and powerful find. You can easily use this item to upgrade your character or increase their health. If you have a Dark Urge background, it can also help tremendously in keeping the restraint.