Starfield has a total of 17 traits to choose from during character creation. One of the most unique and wholesome traits surely is the Starfield Kid Stuff trait found in the game. Choosing this trait, you will have to send 2% of your paycheck home for your parents every week and can visit them from time to time.
Acting as the filial child and the breadwinner of the family also has its own rewards as choosing this particular trait unlocks various new dialogues, interactions, gear, Sir Livingstone’s pistol, and a unique ship called the Wanderwell.
How Does the Starfield Kid Stuff Trait Work?

According to the trait description, “Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your credits home to them every week.” This 2% will be automatically deducted from you every week as long as you plan to provide for them.
You will also get a quest to visit your parents staying in the Residential District of New Atlantis and get a chance to visit your old room.
How to Visit Parents With Starfield Kid Stuff Trait?

After you have completed the “One Small Step and The Old Neighborhood” quest, Noel from New Atlantis will hand you a note from your father which will mark the location of your parents living in Pioneer Tower.
Simply take the elevator from the lobby of Pioneer Tower and visit your family. Your parents will be elated by your visit and even more surprised once you reveal that you work for Constellation now.
You will be able to venture around your parents’ apartment and find a note from your mother near your old backpack.
Starfield Kid Stuff Unlockables
Some of the unique unlockables in this trait are:
Sir Livingstone’s Pistol

Your dad will gift you Sir Livingstone’s Pistol after your visit. This firearm has 31 damage, high velocity, and a high fire rate.
Wanderwell Ship
With six main missions concluded, you will receive a note from your parents urging you to visit them. Upon visit, you will learn they have hit the grand prize and got rewarded a big ship called the Wanderwell. You can access it from Spaceport’s Ship Access Technician.
Gran-Gran’s Space Suit and Helmet
One of the more sentimental gifts received from the Starfield Kid Stuff is your Gran-Gran’s Suit and Helmet. Triggered after completion of the fifth mission, your mom will send a note for your visit, and hand over the suit and helmet after a heartfelt conversation.
You will also have some fun encounters with your parents at the nightclub and zoo unlocking sets of new dialogues to explore.
How to Remove Starfield Kid Stuff Trait?

To remove the Starfield Kid Stuff trait, simply go up to your parents and choose the “I’m not sure If I can keep sending money back home” option. This will trigger a series of heart-wrenching set of dialogues where your parents explain that the money you send them is the only way they get by. Nonetheless, they will accept your choice with a broken heart and you will keep your 2%.
Honestly, it is better to just keep sending them money since 2% will not even make a dent in your bank account and you will have some sweet moments to cherish and always a place to call home.