Noonbloom is a rare flower curative that you can find in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Although the Noonbloom does not restore your health or stamina like other curatives in the game, this flower is a very important gift item to boost NPC friendship and gives 6 favor points if given to the right people.
Noonbloom Location In Dragon’s Dogma 2

Noonbloom can be found on top of or next to the rocks near a river that runs above the Checkpoint Rest Town and to the southwest of Misty Marshes. For an easier time locating this area, try to look for the coordinates where X: 5390, and Y: 5786.
You will find both Sunblooms and Noonblooms in that region so make sure to gather them all.
Other than that location, you can also buy Noonblooms from the shop for 600g and resell the flowers for 180g each. But, it’s best to use your Noonblooms immediately as these flowers decay within a day and turn into Dried Flowers, another curative item in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Unlock Mystic Spearhand Vocation
Noonbloom Recipes In Dragon’s Dogma 2
You can create the item “Bunch of Flowers” using your noonblooms in the game. The recipe is as follows:
- Bunch of Flowers = Noonbloom + Sunbloom/Moonglow
Gifting a “Bunch of Flowers” to your favorite NPC in Dragon’s Dogma 2 will deepen the bond between your character and the NPC, making them better friends.
So, whenever you’re out and about in the game and exploring newer locations, make sure to search the area for Noonblooms and more such curative flowers.