Armored Core 6 is a linear mission-based experience for the most part, despite having large open areas in most of the missions. However, there are certain enemies that you have to go out of your way to find in these levels. Defeating these side bosses is a way to find all the Combat Log locations which can increase your Hunter Rank and also reward you with unique parts you cannot get from the AC Parts Shop.
So in this guide below, we will be looking at all the locations of these enemies that give you Combat Logs in Armored Core 6 so that you don’t miss any of them.
How to find Combat Log locations in Armored Core 6?

While some missions have these side enemies as part of the Log Hunt Program, not all missions have the Combat Log locations. These enemies are usually hidden in an area off the main path you would normally take. When you find them, you can tell that there is a Combat Log reward for killing it by the icon showing on the left side of their health bar as shown in the picture above.
If you think you have missed some of these already, don’t worry as you can go to the Replay Missions menu and get them by replaying those missions. In this menu, you will be able to see if you missed out on a Combat Log if the icon for it on that mission is greyed out. If there is no icon at all, then it means there were no Combat Logs to acquire in that mission.
There are also different kinds of Combat Logs, namely Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. These increase your reward meter more and more based on their rarity. Whenever you fill the meter, you get an AC Part reward, and the meter resets to zero and the process repeats. Usually, the more difficult enemies will have higher-tier Combat Logs while the easier ones will have the lower-tier ones.
Full list of all missions with Combat Log locations in Armored Core 6
Here is a full list of each mission with a Combat Log and where you can find them in Armored Core 6:
- Mission 4 – Destroy Transport Helicopters: Defeat the Tetrapod at the end of the mission guarding the final set of helicopters
- Mission 5 – Destroy the Tester AC: Defeat the Trainer AC which is the main objective itself.
- Mission 6 – Attack the Dam Complex: Defeat the Tetrapod over the frozen lake on the right side of the map after destroying the first generator. Another Combat Log by defeating the AC guarding the final objective.
- Mission 8 – Operation Wallclimber: Defeat three low-level enemies on the left side of The Wall before entering and infiltrating it to find the Combat Logs Location.
- Mission 9 – Retrieve Combat Logs: Defeat Little Ziyi, they can be found near the fallen huge debris that created a hole in the ground. You can also find one of the mission-specific Combat Log Locations there. Check out detailed guide on prisoner rescue battle log.
- Mission 11- Attack the Watchpoint: Defeat Sulla as part of the main mission objective.
- Mission 12 – Infiltrate Grid 086: Defeat Rummy as part of the mission objective. After that follow the objective marker until you reach a huge door. At the edge of the upper platform, you will see two MT robots on the lower platforms that you need to defeat for more Combat Logs. Follow the objective marker again and you should spot two MTs right towards its path, Defeat them for more Combat Logs. Once you reach the furnace room look for the pipe without molten metal because It leads to a secret room where you can find another Combat Log. After the furnace room, go up a few levels and you’ll find three Light MT Units for more Logs.
- Mission 14 – Ocean Crossing: At the start of the mission when you use the elevator, jump into a hole onto a big bridge. Here, turn around to find two flying drones that will award Combat Logs for defeating them. Drop down on the lower platform and head back. Continue on this path to find two more drones with more Logs making it another Combat Logs Location.
- Mission 15 – Steal the Survey Data: From the start of the mission go to the right. After the second objective, you’ll spot Heavy MT that you can defeat for a Combat Log.
- Mission 16 – Attack the Refueling Base: When you reach a long bridge during the mission, look under the bridge and you will find an LC Unit that will give you a Log for defeating it. From the same long bridge, look for two smaller bridges further down. Below the second bridge is an enemy with another Combat Log.
- Mission 17 – Eliminate V.VII: Defeat the Tetrapod hiding behind a tall building right near the start of the mission. Can get a log for defeating Swinburne but also another log if you choose to leave the fight and fight Rokumonsen instead.
- Mission 18 – Tunnel Sabotage: Once you enter the tunnel and reach a large metal beam you’ll get a notification “PCA ground forces are heading your way earlier than planned”. Turn left and you’ll see another metal beam on the upper level. There is a laser shooting LC that you can defeat for a Combat Log.
- Mission 19 – Survey the Uninhabited Floating City: During the mission, you’ll come across a destroyed drone. Find a round-shaped building by going left from here and following the path. You will find a flying unit you can defeat for a Combat Log.
- Mission 21 – Eliminate the Enforcement Squads: At the start of the mission, turn right and go down the hill. At the bottom, you will see a rock next to a huge vertical pipe. Little Freddie is hidden behind that rock. Defeat him to reveal another Combat Log Location and get one.
- Mission 23 – Attack the Old Spaceport: At the start of the mission, you will see a huge building on a cliff to your right. Head towards that building and you’ll have to cross a small bridge. Once you reach the other side, flying units will attack you and you will get one of the Combat Logs. Further down on the platform near the spherical fuel storage tanks, this is another one of the Combat Log locations. Heading back to the start of the mission, go left and jump down to find a Shield Enemy that will give you another one of the Combat Logs.
- Mission 24 – Eliminate Honest Brute: On the first platform the red lasers head towards the central construction. There is a shielded Heavy MTs with a Combat Log. On the lower platform again near the central construction, there are two Heavy MTs. One of them has a Combat Log. On the next platform with a Railway Turntable look for a yellow Tetrapod MT, and defeat them as this is another one of the Combat Log locations in this mission. Once you reach the platform where enemies are behind a white spherical shield, one of them will have another Combat Log. Finally, defeat Honest Brute as part of the main objective to get the final Combat Log for this mission.
- Mission 25 – Defend the Old Spaceport: Defeat mission boss Raven as part of the main objective to get a Combat Log.
- Mission 29 – Underground Exploration – Depth 2: Defeat G5 Iguazu as part of the main objective to get a Combat Log. From the door in front of the blue laser turn right and enter a room. After defeating enemies there, you’ll get 2 more Combat Logs.
- Mission 30 – Underground Exploration – Depth 3: On the roof with enemies that have blue lasers, kill them to get Combat Logs. Defeat Ayre as part of the main objective for another Combat Log (Story choice specific).
- Mission 31 – Intercept the Redguns: Defeat the main mission boss “G1 Michigan” and get a Combat Log.
- Mission 32 – Ambush the Vespers: During the mission, defeat Dual Nature and get one of the Combat Logs in this mission. Then after defeating Reconfig, you will get another Combat Log as this is another one of the Combat Log Locations.
- Mission 33 – Unknown Territory Survey: Defeat the main boss of the mission V.IV Rusty to get the Combat Log for this mission.
- Mission 34 – Reach the Coral Convergence: At the very start of the mission, you will encounter 2 ACs, this is another one of the Combat Log locations so defeat these ACs to get two Combat Logs.
- Mission 37 – Intercept the Corporate Forces: Defeating boss V.I. Freud as part of the main objective to get a Combat Log.
- Mission 38 – Eliminate Cinder Carla: Three Combat Logs can be obtained based on which boss you defeat which are V.II Snail boss, Cinder Carla boss, and Cirus Chatty Stick (All story specific).
Those were all the Combat Log locations in Armored Core 6. If you are interested in knowing how to defeat some of these bosses, you might want to know how to defeat Ayre in Armored Core 6.