Known as one of the toughest Spider-Man nemeses, Martin Li aka Mister Negative is back to take his revenge against Miles Morales in the new Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. While Peter Parker knows Martin Li as an innocent human being, Miles is about to face Martin’s ruthless superhuman alter ego during the ‘No Escape’ main story mission in the game.
If you’re currently on the No Escape mission and struggling to survive Mister Negative’s countless electric shockwaves and dark matter attacks, here are some tips and tricks that could help you survive this maddening ordeal and win this boss fight.
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Abilities To Use During Mister Negative Boss Fight In Spider-Man 2
While both Peter and Miles have their signature web sling, web shooters, and countless dodge and parry maneuvers, Miles Morales has a different set of signature abilities in Spider-Man 2. If triggered at the right time, these abilities can help you win against Mister Negative. The moves you need to use against Mister Negative are:
- Reverse Flux – It magnetizes your enemies towards you and repels them with a surge of lightning. This is an excellent ability for crowd control and can be used during this mission when Miles is forced to confront his inner demons.
- Venom Skills – Make sure you have at least one Venom skill in your abilities slot so that you can use them against Mister Negative. Venom Jump and Venom Dash are some of the popular ones to use. Check out our Spider-Man 2 early skills guide for more insight.
- Chain Lightning – Chain lightning is another Miles ability that you can use in this boss fight. Chain lightning shoots out lightning bolts one after another.
- Gadgets – When you need time to heal or take a breather, use your gadgets to distract the enemy for a short while.
- Web Attacks – Use web attacks like shooters and slings to counter Mister Negative and slow him down.
- Dodge and Parry – When in close proximity, use your parry skills to counter this boss’s attacks, and use dodge to avoid AoE damage. Your senses can predict the right moment to dodge.
How To Defeat Mister Negative In Spider-Man 2
The Mister Negative boss fight in Spider-Man 2 consists of three fighting phases, two extra chases, and a confrontational phase. You will need to go through all these phases and bring him to zero health to initiate the next one before you and Martin Li can finally escape Kraven’s clutches.
Phase 1
The first phase is simply dodge and attack-based. Mister Negative will occasionally dash at you with his lightning weapon and swing it around. You can dodge these attacks and strike back at the right moment. You can also utilize your chain lightning for some heavy damage. He will try to knock you down with a surge of lightning that covers quite a lot of the arena, so make sure to dodge that as well.
Once his health bar is down to zero, phase 2 will initiate and you will face a more powerful side of Mister Negative.
Phase 2

In phase two, Mister Negative will summon a Negative Energy Dome around him which cancels out your Venom powers. In order to bring back your powers and break the dome, wait for him to stop adding energy to the dome for a brief second and then attack him with your Thunder Burst.
He will also send out mini tornados toward your direction; to avoid them, just look for the gap in between two and slip past whenever you can. Other than that, Mister Negative will reuse his moves from the previous phase but will be much faster this time.
Get his health down to zero and proceed with the next phase of the battle.
Phase 3

Mister Negative will combine every move from phases 1 & 2 and strike at you at an alarming speed in the third phase of your boss battle. Just do what you have previously done, dodge, counterattack, avoid, and thunder burst.
When his health reaches zero, he will take you into a makeshift world of his own, where the only escape is by catching him.
Chase Him Down

Once you are inside the dark world, Mister Negative will turn into a giant demon, and all you have to do is swing through the desolate buildings to catch up to him. Once you are in close proximity to this demon, get ready to face your own demons in Martin Li’s world.
Fight Your Inner Demons

You will be forced to confront several versions of yourself in Mister Negative’s sick and twisted world in this final phase. While countering each attack from your fellow shadow Spider-Men and attacking them, you will also have to face the shadowy memory of your father Jefferson Davis.
Once the conversion is done and you’re surrounded by your clones, use Reverse Flux to finish them off and take Martin Li back to reality. The mission will end when you help Martin escape Kraven’s arena, while an agitated Kraven sends his goons after the two of you.
That’s it for the Mister Negative boss in Spider-Man 2. We have created a Lizard boss fight guide too in case you are finding it challenging.