No Rest for the Wicked’s combat-dependent playstyle lets you wield different types of weapons in the game. But, in order to beat tougher opponents you need weapons with special buffs/spells. These buffs can come from Runes, which are stats you can attach to your weapon to make it more powerful and win battles.
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What Are All Runes In No Rest for the Wicked?

There are two categories of Runes you can find in No Rest for the Wicked: Purchasable Runes and Weapon Attached Runes. While the purchasable runes can be bought from Eleanor’s shop in Sacrament, the weapon-attached runes as the name suggests come from different weapons you can get through looting chests and defeating enemies.
All you need to do to acquire those weapon runes is to remove them from the weapon by accessing Eleanor’s shop.
Purchasable Runes
There are a total of 5 purchasable Runes available in Eleanor’s shop. They are:
- Pulse of Health –Heals your character using Focus points.
- Channel – A charged spell that exchanges a bit of health for 50 Focus points.
- Heal Aura – Heals over time using an aura and takes Focus points.
- Repair – This rune repairs your weapons by a small amount.
- Return – Teleports you to the last visited Cerim Whisper (fast travel point) and takes 25 Focus points.
Also Read: How to Find Silver in No Rest for the Wicked
Weapon Runes
Weapons Runes are generally attached to the weapon and can be extracted to add to another weapon of your choice. But, do keep in mind that extracting one rune will destroy the original weapon in the process.
The weapon runes are as follows:
- Air Dodge
- Arrow
- Balance Smash
- Berserk Flurry
- Berserk Strike
- Blink
- Chain Lightning
- Charge Strike
- Circular
- Cold Enchantment
- Cone Shot
- Crush
- Crushing Dodge
- Crushing Flurry
- Crushing Quad
- Crushing Triple
- Crushing Uppercut
- Damage Surge
- Dashing Stab
- Dodge Slamdown
- Double Crush
- Double Spin
- Dual Breaker
- Dual Flurry
- Dual Slash
- Electric Enchantment
- Eruption
- Evasive Combo
- Evasive Pierce
- Evasive Shot
- Evasive Strike
- Evasive Swing
- Fierce Dash
- Fire Arrow
- Fire Dash
- Fire Flurry
- Fire Nova
- Fire Slam
- Fire Swipe
- Fire Throw
- Fire Weave
- Fire Whirl
- Fire Whirlwind
- Fireball
- Flame Sweep
- Focus Halo
- Frost Dash
- Frost Nova
- Frost Strike
- Glacial Spike
- Ground Slam
- Hail
- Heat Enchantment
- Hellfire
- Ice Arrow
- Ice Bolt
- Ice Ram
- Ice Sweep
- Ice Throw
- Ice Whirl
- Juggle Strike
- Jump Cut
- Kick Slash
- Knockdown Swirl
- Knockout Shot
- Leap
- Lightning Arrow
- Lightning Assault
- Lightning Claw
- Lightning Dash
- Lightning Flurry
- Lightning Spin
- Lightning Sweep
- Lightning Throw
- Limit Break
- Multi Shot
- Multi Spin
- Pestilence
- Piercing Dash
- Piercing Dodge
- Piercing Flurry
- Piercing Spin
- Plague Arrow
- Plague Breath
- Plague Crush
- Plague Nova
- Plague Strike
- Plague Sweep
- Plague Swirl
- Plague Throw
- Plague Wave
- Plague Whirl
- Poise Shield
- Pole Flurry
- Proud Charge
- Reap
- Scream
- Shock Nova
- Shock Strike
- Slamdown
- Slashing Dash
- Slashing Dodge
- Slashing Flurry
- Slashing Pirouette
- Slashing Spin
- Spark
- Spin Crush
- Spin
- Stamina Wellspring
- Surge Slash
- Taunt Strike
- Thorns
- Throw
- Thrust
- Thunderstrike
- Tornado Spin
- Triple Barrage
- Triple Swipe
- Twirl Dash
- Twirl Spin
- Wallbreaker
- Whirl
- Whirlstep Strike
- Whirlwind
- Wild Rush
Some of these runes are weapon-specific and cannot be attached to other types of weapons in No Rest for the Wicked. So, make sure to remember this when adding runes and you’ll be good to go.