When you first arrive on Rubicon in Armored Core 6, you will have the default AC Mech. With this AC you will need to defeat the AH12 HC Helicopter, the first boss in the game, which makes it clear that you will need some strategy and timing to defeat it. Since you won’t be able to change the parts on your AC yet, FromSoftware made sure to have the default build strong enough to defeat the first boss but only with proper tactics.
In this guide below, we will show you how you can approach this first boss fight in Armored Core 6 and come out as a winner.
How to defeat the first boss AH12 HC Helicopter in Armored Core 6?
After progressing through the ‘Illegal Entry’ mission and defeating smaller MT units in the area, you will be met with a tough boss at the end of it: the AH12 HC Helicopter. This boss is actually fairly easy once you know what to do and how to handle your AC well. But since it is at the start of the game, you would still be learning how to control your AC properly in omnidirectional movement.
Here is the strategy you should apply in order to easily win the first boss fight against AH12 HC Helicopter in Armored Core 6:
- Use cover against normal machine-gun attacks. While this should be obvious, it is not apparent immediately that there are some buildings around that you can use for cover. Since the center of the arena is an open space, use the buildings to your advantage, especially when trying to recharge your EN after being in the air for a long time.
(Image via Bandai Namco) - The main thing that this fight teaches you is that you need to have their ACS Overload, also known as staggering the enemy, to deal massive damage. To do this, first, make sure your EN bar is full, then use your Assault Boost to dash straight at the helicopter and perform a melee attack. Performing melee attacks will build up its stagger/overload meter very quickly (Yellow bar on top of health bar).
(Image via Bandai Namco) - Once the ACS Overload meter on the AH12 HC Helicopter flashes red, this means it is staggered and you will have a small window where your attacks count as Direct Hits which do massive damage. Use your rockets here and any other attack that is not on reload. Keep repeating this and overloading the helicopter because otherwise, you won’t deal enough damage.
(Image via Bandai Namco) - The AH12 HC Helicopter’s homing missiles do a lot of damage to you even if they hit the ground nearby. So, when you see it using this attack, get airborne and stay in the air until it runs out of missiles and goes into reload. It is also a good tactic to use your Assault Dash to get up close for a melee attack right after it fires the homing missiles as the missiles won’t be able to turn back around so quickly.
(Image via Bandai Namco)
That is all you need to know on how to fight and defeat the first boss AH12 HC Helicopter in Armored Core 6. If you want to know more as you progress through the game, keep a lookout for more Armored Core 6 guides on how to take down Strider on our website.