There are many powerful items that can be acquired in Baldur’s Gate 3 to make life easier for your party. One of those items is the Abyss Beckoners gloves. This is arguably the most powerful pair of gloves you can find in the game. These gloves are capable of beckoning some powerful creatures right from the horrid abyss Karlach crawled out of.
The creatures summoned by the Abyss Beckoners are immune to all types of damage except psychic. This would be the greatest thing ever in Baldur’s Gate 3 or any game for that matter if weren’t for one slight drawback that could turn devastating for your party. The summoned creature on its first turn needs to pass a wisdom saving throw or it turns mad and may begin attacking your party on the next turn.
Most people haven’t had the best of outcomes using this powerful weapon of conjuration. However, with its enormous strengths in mind, here are some tips to make the best out of the Abyss Beckoners in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Where to find Abyss Beckoners in Baldur’s Gate 3
For a pair of gloves capable of taking on entire Tanar’ri armies, the Abyss Beckoners are way too easy to find. You can acquire the gloves from a chest in the Zentharim Hideout Basement. You’ll have to pass a level 10 Dexterity check to disarm the traps on the chest. The gloves look like regular leather gloves but are described as being ‘very rare’ and possess the ‘Demonspirit Aura’ feature. It is this aura that beckons the desired spirit from the Abyssal.
How to use the Abyss Beckoners in Baldur’s Gate 3
On the surface, the Abyss Beckoners work much like any other piece of equipment in Baldur’s Gate 3. You equip the glove on a character, choose the action of the beast you intend to summon, and voila! The creature of your beckoning will appear in front of you. This is the obvious stuff that most of you are having trouble with especially considering the description of the perplexing gloves: ‘Demons will bite their masters, slaves, comrades, and, on occasion, themselves. They bite on principle, and are functionally piranha with extra steps.’
It would help to understand how the gloves work in the first place, the summoning part that is. The Abyss Beckoners summon creatures based on the summon spells and levels of the character that has them equipped. So at higher levels, you may be able to summon fearsome creatures; meanwhile, at lower levels, it will most likely be some basic animals like a cat or a bear that can still be a powerful ally given the damage immunity.
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So, choosing a character with good summon spell levels will make the creatures summoned all the more powerful. With that covered, all you now have to worry about is ensuring the creature passes the saving throw and doesn’t go mad. This is easier said than done as the wisdom saving throws depend on the ability scores of the creatures summoned. So, the best way to ensure a positive outcome most of the time is to summon something with high wisdom.

Deva is a creature that can be summoned by Cleric with access to a level 6 conjuration spell – Planar Ally: Deva. These Devas have 20 wisdom and +9 to wisdom saving throws. So, they will pass the checks each time and can pack quite the punch. Another great way to make use of the Abyss Beckoners is to make use of Cleric’s level 2 conjuration spell from the evocation school – Spiritual Weapon. Spiritual Weapons can be summoned like any other creatures, but since they are inanimate, they are immune to the madness effect.
To sum it up, the best way to use the Abyss Beckoners in Baldur’s Gate 3 is to equip it on a Cleric and level up to these spells. Since the Spirited weapon can be acquired quite early and the gloves themselves are early-game loot, this is an overpowered exploit with a Cleric which will make your combat encounters in the game a breeze.
There are, of course, other ways to make the gloves work in more of your favor. But, why go after possibilities when you have a sure thing?