The legacy of Apex Legends Mobile was painfully short-lived with the game witnessing its debut in May 2022. Shortly after, on Febuary 2023, Respawn Entertainment declared the shutdown of the Battle Royale game and the servers were shut down on May 1, 2023. The game is unplayable ever since. Despite the inconsistencies in the game design, the abrupt sunset of the game still bothers many Apex Legends fans. Let’s have a detailed look into what went wrong with Apex Legends Mobile.
Why Apex Legends Mobile Shut Down?
Intrigued by the gaming revolution that battle royale titles like PUBG and Call of Duty created in mobile gaming, EA decided to try its luck in the same space in 2022. The release of Apex Legends Mobile created a huge buzz among fans of both Apex Legends and Battle Royale games. However, the game has been full of bugs and inconsistencies since its release.
Many game buffs speculate that the glitches in the game are a result of a rushed release. The developers’ repeated attempts of patching up the bugs and optimizing the game throughout the year earned Apex Legends Mobile the title of Mobile Game of the Year in 2022.
Respawn Entertainment & EA suddenly decided to pull the trigger on Apex Legends Mobile and shared a heartfelt press release about the same on February 2023:
Naturally, the fans were disappointed to receive this news just two months after the game earned the GOTY title. Some were even infuriated as the in-game purchases remained non-refundable. To date, the question lingers in the fandom if EA gave up on the mobile version too soon.
While the exact reason for sunsetting the game was not shared by Respawn, a report by Sensor Tower claims that the game’s revenue had dropped 96% since the global release.
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Andrew Wilson (CEO, Electronics Arts) expressed his openness to newer versions of Apex Legends in the Electronic Arts Reports Q3 FY23 Financial Results. While many netizens have translated this towards the possibility of a new Apex Legends Mobile game in the future, it doesn’t confirm the return of the game. No other official statement or press release has been shared by EA in this regard so far.
As heartbreaking as it is, the possibility of the return of Apex Legends Mobile or a new Apex mobile game remains very thin.