The Last Wish Raid in Destiny 2 became an iconic point in the game’s history when it first came out during the Forsaken Expansion. It also holds the title of one the longest raids that took players on several enemy encounters. However, the part of the Last Wish that became timeless among the Destiny 2 community was the Shuro Chi Wish.
Now this is basically an encounter that takes you head to head with a major boss in the raid. On top of that, this boss encounter makes things interesting due to the addition of multiple mobs from the boss’ side. This ensures that the players have a specific checkpoint where they can go and level up whenever they want.
How To Get The Shuro Chi Wish In Destiny 2?
To make your way to the Shuro Chi encounter, you must first enter the Dreaming City and start the Last Wish raid. This is relatively easy as you can do so from the Destinations Tab and start the raid from the top of the screen after you have selected the Dreaming City option in the maps section. Once you have entered the city, here are the steps to enter the wishing wall and get the Shuro Chi wish:
- You begin with a large door opening in front of you that leads you to an enormous corridor. Here you will find a secret door opening on the left that takes you into a crystal cave.

- Enter that cave and follow the path until you come across a ledge and find another ledge to your left that will take your further as show above in the image.
- Get on that path and keep moving till you come across a ledge that’s above you. Jump on it. There you will see another platform in the middle where you need to jump and then on to the next ledge right in front of you. Make sure you time your jumps correctly to avoid falling.
- Now start walking on the watery path in front until you come across deep waters. From here, you have to make a jump to the ledge lit in green on the top-right corner and another jump onto the next one also lit in green right above you.
- Here you have to crouch and move ahead, and you will see another, similarly lit ledge to jump onto. Then follow the path which leads to you to the last ledge to jump onto.
- Once you are at the wish wall, you will have to form a pattern similar to the one in the image below. Make sure you shoot the correct number of times at the round structures to form that pattern.

- Creating that pattern successfully, you have to stand on the glowing platform that will unlock the Shuro Chi Wish for you. Now you will die and respawn to the Shuro Chi checkpoint.
Once you arrive at the checkpoint, you can keep coming there as many times as you want for that character in a week until it gets reset again. With that out of the way, you can now go in for the killing spree as this boss fight brings you across multiple waves of enemies that can help you farm weapon catalysts. This also serves as the best way to level up, as mentioned earlier.
Now the trick to get more kills is to go for the Taken Thralls first. The moment they reduce in number, go in for killing the Taken Titans so you get another wave of enemies. Players can often get as much as 60-80 kills in a single run. Other than farming kills, the Shuro Chi Wish also opens up an opportunity to find a hidden chest with raid gear on offer.
How To Find The Shuro Chi Hidden Chest In Destiny 2?

When standing at the Shuro Chi checkpoint, look to your right and you will find a bridge in your far sight. You will find the chest there on the bridge, and here are the steps to get to it:
- Start walking towards the big rock in front and time your jumps properly to get onto the top left edge of that rock.
- There you will see another rock to your left that will take you much closer to the bridge, so make the jump on that rock as well. To make those high jumps, you can either go for the stompees if you are a Hunter or Lion Rampant if you are a Titan.
- Now once you make it to the second rock, make the jump towards the platform on the bridge in front of you and get on it.
- From there, you have to keep moving forward through the platforms under the bridge until you reach the area. You can also step on the gantry or the long metal frame that supports the bridge and walk on it for a short distance.

- After making three more platform jumps from the first one, while walking on the gantry you will have to drop down to a ledge with a tree branch beneath as shown in the image above.
- You have now arrived at the ledge where the hidden chest is kept. Go ahead and open it to find the reward of the week. Each character can unlock this chest once per week and get a raid reward.
That’s all you need to know about the Shuro Chi Wish in Destiny 2. Do let us know how many kills you managed to get in a single run during the Shuro Chi boss fight and what raid gears you unlocked.