Palworld has dived into the world of monster-taming with their own rendition of monsters known as Pals. While these Pals share similarities with the famous Pokémon, Pocket Pair Inc. has tweaked the concept of “shiny” to suit their game’s playstyle.
Are There Shiny Pals In Palworld?
Yes, Palworld has shiny-type Pals in the form of both Alpha Pals and Lucky Pals. Shiny is a term often used in Pokémon to describe rare Pokémon players would find and flaunt as a prized possession. So, if you’re shiny hunting in Palworld, you need to focus on capturing Alpha Pals and Lucky Pals in the game.
Alpha Pals are usually double the size of a regular Pal, very strong, and can be incredibly difficult to tame or beat. On the other hand, Lucky Pals are also bigger but usually emit a glow of sparkling light and angelic sound effects, making it obvious that those Pals are more special than the rest.
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Lucky Pals and Alpha Pals also do not come in different colors. Maybe in the future, we might be able to breed two Lucky Pals to make a new type of Pal never seen before.
Other than these two obvious signs, not much has been revealed about these “shiny pals” in Palworld. I’m sure once the game comes out in Early Access on January 19, 2024, the Paldeck will have some more information regarding Alpha and Lucky Pals in the game.