In Dragon’s Dogma 2, you meet a young man named Sven. Over the course of the game, you can develop a friendship with him, and work with him in your role as the Arisen. Things get especially intriguing once you begin a later quest, wherein Sven wants you to investigate the meaning of a suspicious letter his mother discarded. To investigate the letter for Sven, you’ll have to travel pretty far.
How to Investigate the Letter for Sven in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Sven doesn’t ask you to investigate the letter until you meet with him in his chambers, which kicks off the A Veil of Gossamer Clouds quest. At that time, neither you nor Sven know what the letter might mean. To investigate the letter for Sven, you must take it first to Magistrate Waldhar and follow up that visit with a trip to the Forbidden Magick Research Laboratory in Battahl.

From Sven’s Chambers, head to the nearby main corridor and follow the chamber south to the southern part of the Vernworth Castle 2F map (shown above). Descend the steps and exit the Vernworth Satellite Tower to appear in a garden area.
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Magistrate Waldhar may be waiting in one of two locations. It all depends on other quests you have completed at this point. If you haven’t rescued him, he is locked away in the Vernworth Castle Gaol Tower prison. You can enter the tower near the northeast edge of the Vernworth Castle map, on the ground level. Descend into that area and head to the jail. Magistrate Waldhar will be in the first cell on the right.

If you already rescued him, look for him in the vault below the church, in the slums. Wherever you find him, hand over the Unfinished Letter you got from Sven. The magistrate will conclude that you need to investigate in Battahl.
Travel to Battahl. Hopefully, you have already been there and can return quickly. If not, you might wish to progress the main story for a bit before you proceed. The Nation of the Lambent Flame quest walks you through gaining access to Battahl. That quest is worth completing as soon as you are capable. Then you can set up a portcrystal to return there quickly using a Ferrystone when needed. Once you have established a route, you can also take an Oxcart from Vernworth to Checkpoint Rest Town, and then from that town’s southern edge directly to Battahl. That’s the approach I typically follow, to avoid having to use costly items. However, keep in mind that monsters do seem to attack quite often on the second leg of that journey.

When you arrive in Bakbattahl, follow Flamebearer Palace Road east. It will take you to the area near the palace entrance. In my case, I met with Menella at the gate. Our conversation there progressed the Shadowed Prayers quest. If you find yourself having the same conversation, know that you don’t have to distract yourself with the other quest at the moment. Instead, enter the palace itself and climb some steps to arrive in a large central chamber with green and orange torches on the floor and on raised platforms. This location is called the Flamebearer Palace Prayer Hall.
Head to the back left corner of the hall, which is to the left from where you first enter. Follow that corridor and descend to reach the Forbidden Magick Research Lab. A ramp along the outer wall descends to an even lower area. Follow it and emerge in a large chamber with a slumbering dragon resting on an altar, directly ahead of you.

Start forward and start around the right side of the altar. As you do, you should trigger a scene with two NPCs named Jerome and Yglie. They have a conversation about risky correspondence. Quickly fall back, so that you are standing at the end of the altar beneath the dragon’s snout. After the conversation, the two characters start your way. Wait for them to enter the room just to the right.
Once those characters are out of sight, quickly head along the altar. Enter the second door on the right. In that chamber, check the table near the entrance to find the Letter to Lord Phaesus. Grab it. Next, you just need to take it with you to go see Sven in his chambers again. When you talk to him there and show him the new letter, the conversation completes the quest. Your reward is 20000 G, a Ferrystone, and 4000 XP.