The Thaumaturge is a narrative-heavy CRPG that breaks the pacing with the added element of turn-based combat. Often you will face enemies with a lot of Focus points, and to use your powerful Attacks with a lot of damage, you’ll need to break their focus first. But how do you drain Focus quickly? Let’s find out.
How To Quickly Drain Focus Points In The Thaumaturge
The best way to reduce an enemy’s Focus points quickly is by using the Mind Salutor Lelek’s attacks. Three out of the four attacks in Lelek’s arsenal are Focus-draining attacks and they can reduce multiple Focus points in a single turn.

Lelek is a Mind Salutor that you can tame as part of the main story quest in Act 1. However, if you are yet to tame Lelek, then you will have to make use of some clever Attack and Skill Upgrade Combos. The best combo for this in the early game is applying the Fortune upgrade to your Diversion attack.
The Fortune Skill Upgrade can be unlocked on the second node of the Word Dimension in the Development screen. Diversion reduces one Focus point, but with the Fortune upgrade applied, it will reduce two Focus points each turn.
Also Read: How To Use The Revolver In The Thaumaturge
This is also a great counter for enemies with the Trait that reduces the amount of Focus they can drain by one point. A normal Diversion attack here would be useless since it will reduce one and the enemy will gain one immediately. But with the Fortune upgrade applied, they will lose two Focus points and will only be able to regain one.