The first currency you can start accruing in Manor Lords is called Regional Wealth. You can start with a chunk of Regional Wealth depending on what difficulty mode/settings you choose at the beginning of a save. However, as for the other kind of currency, called Personal Wealth, you’ll be waiting quite a while before you’re able to get any of it Manor Lords.
This is problematic for any first-time player, as Personal Wealth is the gateway to expanding your territory, building an army, and starting to earn real money. The guide below takes you through the entire process of earning Personal Wealth in Manor Lords.
Difference Between Regional and Personal Wealth in Manor Lords
In the current version of Manor Lords, the only way to acquire Personal Wealth is through establishing a Tax Policy for your citizens. This requires them to pay a monthly tax directly to you, which increases your Personal Wealth. This is different from increasing Regional Wealth, which the citizens can start earning when you upgrade a Burgage Plot to level two.
Personal Wealth is stored in your Treasury and you can use it across any territory you acquire in Manor Lords. Once again, this is different from Regional Wealth, which can only be spent in the region it was acquired. For example, if you export a large chunk of Leather in one territory and accrue a certain amount of Regional Wealth, that money can only be used in that territory. So, each territory you have in Manor Lords will have a different amount of Regional Wealth.

As for Personal Wealth, that can be spent anywhere you desire. As previously stated, you need to tax your citizens to add money to your Treasury. However, you can’t start taxing your citizens until you build a Personal Manor.
Building Personal Manor in Manor Lords
The Personal Manor is unlocked after you reach the settlement level called: “Small Village.” This is the first level you can reach in Manor Lords, and only requires five Burgage Plots to be built.
The Personal Manor also costs the following resources: x5 Timber, x20 Planks, x15 Stone. If you have all of that and your settlement is at “Small Village,” then you can build the Manor. As a note, when you go to build the Manor, the game will have a red text warning saying: “Required Settlement Level: Small Village.” Ignore this warning; as long as you’re at the right level with the correct resources, you can build the Manor.

Once you build the Manor, you gain 250 Influence and raise your Administration level by one. However, you can also access the Tax Policy section of your settlement. This is done by pressing your territory’s name at the top of the screen and viewing the Policies tab. Here, you can set the policy on various goods, which will start earning you Personal Wealth every month. You can set taxes for various imports, exports, and other elements within your settlement. You’ll unlock more policies as you progress in Manor Lords.

It’s important to remember that setting a high Tax Policy for a certain product or service will result in your Approval Rating dropping, as citizens don’t want to be taxed too severely. However, setting a low policy will result in not much Personal Wealth being added to the Treasury, so you need to find the right middle ground.
You can track how much Personal Wealth you have in Manor Lords by looking at the top right corner of the screen and seeing the number next to the coins icon.