Is your squad in War Thunder struggling with the error “Joining a squad is not available for this event”? There are multiple methods to fix this issue, and it mainly has to do with players being new to the game.
War Thunder “Joining A Squad Is Not Available For This Event” Error Fix

To fix the “Joining a squad is not available for this event” error in War Thunder, make sure you have reached the requirement to unlock regular multiplayer modes. This requires getting 20 kills in ground battles or 10 kills in air and naval battles; you can check the progress of this in the Service Record menu.
If you are still facing this issue, you need to change your current vehicle if it’s a starter vehicle. Having one of the starter vehicles also causes this error, which can be due to these vehicles being too underpowered for regular modes. Try buying a more powerful vehicle.
Why Does This Error Occur?
When you first start playing the game, you are only allowed to play in the beginner mode for easy learning. Playing with your friends in a group requires you to get past this beginner mode.
I faced this same error when I tried forming a squad for the first time very early into the game. I think the steep learning curve of this game is what led to the developers creating this rule. However, the requirement shouldn’t take more than two or three games to complete, so make sure you and your friends individually try a few games before playing together.