Like most city-building games out there, Tools are one of the essential resources you can produce in Manor Lords. These items are important for your game’s progress and boost your Town’s economy if you’re in dire need of some Regional Wealth.
But, making these tools can be quite a lengthy process if you’re not following the proper instructions.
How Do I Get Tools In Manor Lords?

To make Tools in Manor Lords, you need to follow these steps:
- Build a Mining Pit on top of an Iron Deposit and start gathering Iron Ore.
- Use the iron ores to make a Bloomery to smelt iron ores into iron slabs.
- Make sure to fuel the Bloomery with wood and assign a family to do the work.
- Build a Smithy, add wood for fuel, and assign families for the production of the tools.
You can also build a Blacksmith’s Workshop using 5 regional wealth and 5 planks to turn Iron Slabs into Tools as well. The only catch for this is that you need Level 2 burgage plots for constructing this building in the game.
Note: If the area near your settlement does not have any Iron Deposits, you can use the Trading Post to buy iron ores from neighboring towns.
Also Read: How to Send Resources to Other Regions in Manor Lords
How To Use Tools In Manor Lords?

You can trade the tools for regional wealth in Manor Lords. Each tool export grants you 6 Regional Wealth, and you can even store the tools for future use if you have enough funds to suffice in the game. Just make a Trading Post and export the Tools for a profit.
Currently, since Manor Lords is still in early access, there is no other purpose for tools other than trading. But, it would be in your best interest to store away some of those tools for a big update that adds functionality to these resources.