Wielding the right weapons is an important part of combat strategy in the Final Fantasy world, and one of those ‘right’ weapons is Braveheart in Final Fantasy 16. The sword debuted in the first game in 1987, and it has now returned to the franchise in the hands of Clive, the protagonist in FF16.
If you had preordered Final Fantasy 16, you can easily get your hands on the Braveheart sword.
Note: Only players who preordered FF16 will be able to claim this weapon.
How to claim the Braveheart in Final Fantasy 16

This powerful weapon enhances the exploration of Valisthea. Throughout Final Fantasy 16, players come across numerous weapons and materials, but the Braveheart sword is not one of them. If you want to acquire the Braveheart, there is only one option: you must have preordered any edition of Final Fantasy 16. The Braveheart sword is available only as a preorder bonus item, so players who bought the game after its release won’t be able to claim it (as of now).
Follow these steps to obtain the Braveheart sword:

1. To begin, pause the game by using the start button on the PS5 controller and going to the system menu.

2. In the system menu, press R1 and look for the “redeemable item” option.
3. When you pick “redeemable items,” three bonuses will appear: Scholar’s Spectacles, Cait Sith Char, and Braveheart.

4. After claiming the Braveheart in Final Fantasy 16, go to the Gear & Eikons menu section and equip your new blade.
Final Fantasy 16 is exclusively available on PlayStation 5.