With every looter shooter comes the ultimate weapon to loot, and for The First Descendant, it might just be the Enduring Legacy machine gun. Many players who did the hard grind to obtain it have expressed how powerful it is. Here is how you can get your hands on the Enduring Legacy in The First Descendant.
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How to Unlock and Get Enduring Legacy in The First Descendant

Enduring Legacy is unlocked at Mastery Rank 15 in The First Descendant and requires these blueprints to research and craft it:
- Enduring Legacy Polymer Syncytium Blueprint
- Enduring Legacy Synthetic Fiber Blueprint
- Enduring Legacy Nano Tube Blueprint
- Enduring Legacy Blueprint
Additionally, you will also need to craft items from Amorphous Material and require a total of 250,000 Gold to research all the parts. Each blueprint part will take two hours, and after that is done, crafting the weapon will take four hours.
Also Read: Fastest Way To Farm Mixed Energy Residue In The First Descendant
All Enduring Legacy Core Blueprint Sources
Here is a table explaining the sources for each of the blueprints required to craft the Enduring Legacy in The First Descendant:
Blueprint | Source |
Enduring Legacy Polymer Syncytium | Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Void Mission – Derelict Covert / Echo Swamp (Hard) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Devourer (Amorphous Material Pattern: 076) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Obstructer (Amorphous Material Pattern: 104) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Frost Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 115) |
Enduring Legacy Synthetic Fiber | Intercept Battle (Normal) – Stunning Beauty (Amorphous Material Pattern: 012) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Dead Bride (Amorphous Material Pattern: 067) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Devourer (Amorphous Material Pattern: 078) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Molten Fortress (Amorphous Material Pattern: 126) |
Enduring Legacy Nano Tube | Intercept Battle (Normal) – Hanged Man (Amorphous Material Pattern: 053) Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Void Mission – Restricted Zone / Sterile Land (Hard) (Amorphous Material Pattern: 065) Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Void Mission – Corrupted Zone / Hagios (Hard) (Amorphous Material Pattern: 111) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Pyromaniac (Amorphous Material Pattern: 087) |
Enduring Legacy Blueprint | Intercept Battle (Hard) – Executioner (Amorphous Material Pattern: 059) Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Void Mission – Frozen Valley / Fortress (Hard) (Amorphous Material Pattern: 119) Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Void Mission – Observatory / White-night Gulch (Hard) (Amorphous Material Pattern: 101) Intercept Battle (Hard) – Swamp Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 097) |
How Good is Enduring Legacy In The First Descendant?
The reason why Enduring Legacy is such a powerful weapon in The First Descendant is due to its Craftsmanship Ability. This ability will inflict the Quenching debuff on enemies that get hit with it and also increase the Status Effect Trigger Rate of the current element of your Descendant.
The Quenching Debuff alone makes it so strong because this debuff reduces the enemy’s Burn resistance and instead gives you a Fiream ATK increase when dealing damage to an enemy inflicted with the Burn status effect. This makes the Enduring Legacy in The First Descendant as the best weapon for fire builds and Descendants.