Dragon’s Dogma 2 presents a number of quests that feel pretty typical of RPGs. But you probably haven’t played a lot of games where one of your primary goals is to get poisoned. That’s exactly what you need to do in order to clear the A Poisonous Proposal quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Get Poisoned for A Poisonous Proposal
You initiate A Poisonous Proposal by visiting a character named Jarle. He lives in Jarle’s Home, just across the way from The Rockmouse’s Burrow. When you visit him there, he’ll ask for your assistance and you can activate the related quest. To get poisoned, you need to let various varieties of saurian, harpy, and Chimera attack enough to inflict the ailment.

The quest takes place in three phases that correspond to three requests. The first request is to find an asp. You should make sure you are tracking the quest. If you do, the map will indicate several points where you can meet with the monsters. You should find a battle as close as possible to Jarle’s Home. You’ll have to limp back there while poisoned. Fortunately, asps (which are the saurian lizard monster, with more colorful hides than usual) live very close at hand. They nearest group of them occupy a ravine, just below the bridge that leads west from Battahl.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Activate and Clear Mercy Among Thieves
When you fight the asps, make sure to order your other party members to hang back. You want to let an asp bite you. It’s no good letting your pawns eliminating the entire group of enemies before they can strike. When the asps are about to inflict poison, they drool purple sludge. When one of the creatures inflicts the ailment, your clothes gain purple patches of light. Taking steps slowly drains your health, and your stamina drops quickly. Once inflicted, get back to Jarle’s Home as quickly as possible. Heal your health if needed along the way, but don’t cure the poison. Also, don’t let your pawns heal your poison.

If you get back to Jarle while inflicted, he presents a second request. You need to have a new monster variety poison you. Basically, you need to find one of the nearby flocks of harpies. As before, follow the map indicators. There are some harpies to the south of Battahl, as you head downhill along a road. There are other monsters all around here, as well. Let your pawns tend to them. Then, when you reach the harpies, get near one of the enemies. Let a harpy vomit purple poison on you. As before, you then have to backtrack to Jarle’s Home. The trail is longer this time. You may face enemies along the way, including asps. I had to resort to using healing items while staying ahead of my pawns, so that I didn’t accidentally cure the affliction.
After you successfully complete that second task, Jarle presents a third request. This time, he wants you to meet him at a point on the map that he marks. The point in question lies to the north of Battahl. Exit through the Dye Stores and head along some beach trails.

When you finally meet with Jarle, head a short distance north to enter the Cliffside Cave. Here, as you descend into the darkness, you face a Chimera. You need to battle the beast and spend long enough doing so that Jarle gets poisoned. The easiest way to make this happen is to pick Jarle up and carry him over your shoulder. While doing so, get in close with the snake head that extends from the beast’s posterior. It’s the part of the multi-headed creature that spews poison.
Once Jarle gets poisoned, the Chimera is likely still alive and well. Jarle stands up and remarks that, “I’ll be off, then, friend. My work here is done.” Whatever you do, avoid picking Jarle up again after he makes that comment. Just let him leave.

In my own playthrough, I wasn’t paying close enough attention to what Jarle said. I was focused on the beast. After Jarle tried to start back home, I picked him up again and battled the Chimera some more before finally setting the NPC on the ground. After I slayed the chimera, I fast traveled to Jarle’s Home. When I met him there, he wouldn’t acknowledge my success. The game had told me to check up on him, but he had other ideas. Ever so slowly, he started off for the cave again. I had to follow him on foot the whole way there. Then I talked to him once he turned around and started back home. At that point, he finally offered the familiar line of dialog once more. This time, I left him alone.
After you give Jarle time to return home, meet him again at his house. He will update you on his status and the mission completes. For your trouble, you receive 5000 XP, 19000 G, and the Ring of Purification. It prevents the wearer’s blighted value from accumulating. Nice!