Wiktor starts out in The Thaumaturge with a Salutor named Upyr and later tames Bukavic in the Prologue. But how and where can you find the first Mind Dimension Salutor in Act 1? This can be annoying when you have ample Thaumaturgy points to level up in the Mind tree but get blocked due to not having that Salutor.
How To Tame Your First Mind Salutor In Thaumaturge

Lelek, the First Mind Salutor in The Thaumaturge, can be tamed after the ‘Bastard of the Night’ main quest. Once you have tamed Lelek, you will be able to invest further points to Dimension Force Mind and unlock further Skills and its upgrades.
Related: Best Dimension Skill Upgrades To Unlock First In The Thaumaturge
If you are like me and did other quests before the main quests, only to find yourself stuck because you can’t level up the Mind Dimension, don’t worry. Even the timed quests in Act 1 won’t expire after you progress through the main quest and tame Lelek.
It is slightly confusing that some side quests will be met with a dead end if you haven’t done the main quests enough. If any side quest Observations require Mind 4 and above, you won’t be able to do those until you get Lelek.