You can master four different Dimension Forces in The Thaumaturge: Heart, Mind, Deed, and Word. But the problem is that you can’t really unlock anything beyond a few things in their respective upgrade trees if you haven’t tamed a Salutor for that Dimension yet. For the Word upgrades, you will need to tame the first Word Dimension Salutor, Veles.
How To Tame Your First Mind Salutor In Thaumaturge

You will get your first Word Dimension Salutor named Veles after completing ‘The Reptilian Bash’ main quest. You can only reach Word 4 and above after successfully taming Veles and getting her Flaw.
Veles is the second Salutor you will get in Act 1. The main quests before Veles will give you your first Mind Salutor named Lelek, in case you have yet to do that as well. Veles is much tougher to obtain than Lelek, so be prepared for a challenging fight.
If you are trying to do the timed side quest named ‘Horses in the Sky‘ before taming Veles, you will find yourself stuck like me at a part where you need Mind 4 & 5 to make the Observations required.
You can still continue on the main quest until you get Veles and then come back to the Timed quest—it won’t expire. After you have tamed Veles, you should now be able to invest in Thaumaturgy points into Dimension Force Word and get those Observations.