As you start to expand your settlement in Manor Lords, one of the first resources you need is Timber. A majority of the buildings and other structures you can build early on require a certain amount of Timber, so it’s crucial you know how to acquire it.
Below, you can see the best ways to go about getting Timber in Manor Lords and how to track how much you have.
Getting Timber in Manor Lords
When you first start a new save in Manor Lords, you’ll have a certain amount of Timer to start with. I had roughly 70 Timber when I started on the “Peace” scenario, so your mileage may vary depending on what scenario you choose and if you change any custom settings.
Of course, whatever Timber you begin with won’t last very long, as you need to build homes for settlers and other buildings to improve your Approval Rating and start expanding. This is where a healthy supply of Timber is needed. Fortunately, there’s a simple and passive way to farm Timber in Manor Lords, which is through the Logging Station.
The Logging Station can be constructed by going to the “Construction” tab and finding the option for it in the “Wood” section. It requires some Timber on its own and it’ll take your settlers a few days to build it. When you go to plot the space for the Logging Station, you want to ensure you’re choosing a location near plenty of trees. The station has assigned workers cut down trees and bring them back, so the closer they are to trees, the quicker you’ll get your Timber.

Once your settlers have constructed the Logging Station, you need to assign families to it. This is done by clicking on the station and pressing the “Plus” icon. You need three families to effectively run the Logging Station, and I recommend prioritizing the station over others early on in Manor Lords.
After families are assigned, they’ll start cutting down trees and bringing them back to the station. As this happens, you’ll see your Timber start to grow. You’ll also see some Timber placed in the Logging Station’s storage, which the ox use to transport around the settlement.
Seeing how much Timber you have in Manor Lords
To view your current Timber amount, go to the top bar on the screen and hover over the hammer and wood icon. It’s the first one to the right of your region’s name. Here, you should see the current amount of all your resources, including Timber.

If you fast forward your time, your Timber should exponentially start to grow if the Logging Station is functioning properly. This is the easiest way to get more Timber quickly, but new ways open up as you progress through Manor Lords.
If you’re interested in more Manor Lords, check out our previous guide on whether the game is available on Xbox Game Pass.