The world you explore in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is full of secrets. You’ll find hidden caves, meet with double-dealing nobles, and face fearsome monsters and bandits. A lot of those bandits want nothing more than to take your stuff, or worse. You can put a stop to their thieving ways and even unlock the To the Victor Go the Spoils achievement or trophy as a reward for your trouble.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to get To the Victor Go the Spoils
You’ll become familiar with numerous enemy types over the course of the hours you spend with Dragon’s Dogma 2. Several varieties crop up especially often, such as Saurian lizards, hobgoblins, and wolves. And while you are distracted by the threat such monsters pose, an opportunistic bandit might try to rob you. To get the To the Victor Go the Spoils achievement or trophy, you have to stop a scavenger just after he steals your stuff, but before he makes his escape.

I played dozens of hours before I encountered a scavenger. There are several of them in the game, I gather. You’ll have to explore a lot to find any of them, however. They seem to only make their move while you are distracted and partially incapacitated. The easiest scavenger to find is located northeast of Checkpoint Rest Town, a short distance west of the Riftstone. Check the above map screenshot, which shows the location of that riftstone.
Also Read: How to Clear Tolled to Rest in Dragon’s Dogma 2
As you travel west from the riftstone, you’ll likely encounter an enemy mob. In my case, it consisted of a handful of Saurian enemies. As you deal with them, one might manage to knock you down. When that happened to me, my pawns continued fighting nearby enemies. A new figure waded into the battle, dressed in ragged clothes. He bent over my sprawled form and stole my lantern and oil. “What a prize!” he said. “This’ll fetch a sack o’ coin.”

At the point that theft occurs, a special message appears on-screen. It lets you know someone is making off with your stuff. You have a limited amount of time to get to your feet and eliminate the bandit. Otherwise, they’ll disappear in a cloud of smoke. You might never have another opportunity to catch them, even if you come back through the area again. Fortunately, I was an archer at the time. I hit the would-be thief in the back with an arrow before he could get more than a few steps away from me.
When you successfully tend to the thief, you get your stuff back immediately. A notification pops up to let you know you’ve unlocked the achievement or trophy (depending on the version of the game you’re playing). The whole event plays out in a few seconds. Before you head through the area indicated, save your progress. Then you can load the save and try again if things don’t go quite right.