Trading is almost essential in Manor Lords if you want your settlement to thrive and prosper. It can be incredibly beneficial when done right and started early on, but it also requires a few requirements to be met before you can start bringing in some Regional Wealth. One of these requires establishing a trade route for any particular item you wish to import and/or export. Here is how you can establish trade routes in Manor Lords.
How to Establish Trade Routes in Manor Lords

To establish a trade route for a certain item in Manor Lords, find your desired item from the list at the Trading Post and then click on the horse and carriage icon on the right side. Each item will have a different Regional Wealth cost associated with establishing a route for it. The cost for other items will increase as you start establishing more and more routes.
When you first start establishing trade routes, select the items you will trade the most, as the cost of establishing routes is far less when you don’t have any established ones yet. With each route you establish, the prices of all unestablished routes go up.
Related: How to Send Resources to Other Regions in Manor Lords
If you buy the Trade Logistics upgrade from the settlement development menu, all trade route establishments will now cost only 25 Regional Wealth coins. No matter how many routes you make, it will never increase or decrease.
The routes along the road are made automatically once you order for a route to be established. All you need to ensure is that the Trading Post is connected to the King’s Roads, which are the main roads spanning across the map that connects to the exits of the map (roads that go off the map).
You can make the route even faster by establishing your own road network that reaches your region’s exit and entry point at the map’s border faster than the pre-built roads.