While venturing out in the streets of Seedhollow, you’ll probably come across a Meddling Guard who seems to be looking for something in particular. Talking to him will start “The Forbidden Spirit” side quest where you must find and hand over a Secret Cocktail Recipe.
Where To Find The Secret Cocktail Recipe In Granblue Fantasy Relink

The Secret Cocktail recipe can be found inside the Bar in Seedhollow. To get to the Bar:
- Take the first right from the Meddling Guard’s location and follow the road all the way down till you reach a flight of stairs on the right.
- Take the stairs down and walk all the way down the road till you can spot the pub.
- The secret cocktail recipe location can be identified by a small purple orb in the pub. Just pick up the recipe and hand it over to the guard to earn rewards and complete this side quest.
You can also find the recipe in the Bar while completing the main Seedhollow storyline, when you encounter Zathba for the first time in the game.

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Once you hand over the secret cocktail recipe, the guard rewards you with:
- 10000x Rupies
- 2x Champion Merit
- Critical Damage II Sigil
Tip: In case you are having trouble spotting the Meddling Guard, he is standing all the way south from the Quest Counter. Note that this side quest automatically unlocks once you reach Seedhollow in Chapter 6.