Act 1 of The Thaumature starts with Wiktor finding himself in the middle of an altercation. This is where you meet Wanda and find out she is smuggling ammunition under her dress. But should you hand over Wanda to the authorities to get out of the situation?
Should You Hand Over Wanda In The Thaumaturge?

No, saving Wanda is the best choice since you can meet her again later in the game. If you choose to hand over Wanda, you will get out of the situation scot-free. But you won’t be able to meet Wanda later and do the quests associated with her.
Also Read: The Thaumaturge Review: Dark, Complex, Amazing
If you manage to get all the Observations in the area, you can also choose to accuse the worker when you’re talking with the Sergeant, as long as you have 2 points in Dimension Force Deed. That way, you can avoid the fight and save Wanda as well.
On the other hand, you can also talk with the worker and tell him you are here to help. This will start a fight with the Sergeant and the Corporal right away. But you will also have the worker as an ally in this fight.