Tales of Kenzera: Zau is an upcoming side-scrolling action-adventure game by Surgent Studios. The game depicts the story of a young Shaman who travels deep into mystical forests to bargain with God of Death for his father’s soul.
The developer, Surgent Studios have made a surprise announcement that a demo for Tales of Kenzera: Zau will be released on Monday, January 5, 2024. The demo will be released for PC via Steam, as a part of Steam’s upcoming Next Fest. The Next Fest event is scheduled to run through Feb 5 to Feb 12, 2024.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau was first announced during The Game Awards 2023. The development of this game is spearheaded by Abubakar Salim, the voice actor who has played Bayek in Assassin’s Creed Origins. The game is set to be a side-scrolling platformer, with a focus on a rich, engaging, and extremely emotional narrative. The game depicts journey of a son to revive the spirit of his lost father, a story that resonates at a very personal level with the developer.
It is also heavily inspired from African Bantu folktales. The game will feature the protagonist, Zau, using cosmic powers by wearing different types of African masks that have roots in region’s mythology and traditions. Apart from being a platformer, the game is also set to feature rhythm-based combat.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau will release on April 23, 2024 for PS5, Xbox Series S|X, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows.