Lies of P uncovers the story of how the once peaceful city of Krat was plunged into chaos after the puppets turned against the humans. The Lies of P King of Puppets is one of the strongest puppets you will face on this journey, and for that, you need to be prepared. The King of Puppets is a brutal boss with two distinct phases that can be tough to get past.
So, we have prepared an in-depth guide on what tactics you can apply to defeat the King of Puppets and even his true form; Romeo, King of Puppets.
How to Defeat the Lies of P King of Puppets Boss

King of Puppets is a unique boss that combines two boss fights into one. When you defeat King of the Puppets, his true form Romeo, King of Puppets reveals himself as being inside all along and then you will proceed to fight him. For this reason, we will be dividing this guide into different sections for both fights as you will require different strategies for each: King of Puppets boss guide and Romeo, King of Puppets boss guide.
King of Puppets Boss Guide (Phase 1)
The Lies of P King of Puppets boss can be menacing but with some proper tactics and learning attack timing, you can easily defeat him. Here are the things you should do for this part of the boss fight:
- Use shock damage weapons. King of Puppets, like any other puppet, is weak to shock damage and it can melt his HP quickly. Use the Fulminis Legion Arm and a weapon like an Electric Coil Stick. If the weapon doesn’t scale well with your stats, try using a Crank for your strongest stat on the Electric Coil weapon to make it even stronger.
- King of Puppets relies heavily on his downward punches. He always does this in a set of two punches straight to the ground where you are standing. Either learn to time a perfect block of these attacks which is what we recommend, or dodge these attacks. Attack only after he does both the punches or you will get hit by the second one.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube) - Get in close when he does long sweep attacks. Whenever he does those long sweeping attacks, you can get extremely close to him and keep hitting him because you won’t get hit if you are practically touching him. This can also be good for doing a charged heavy attack.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube) - Keep applying pressure and stagger him. As with any boss and not just the Lies of P King of Puppets, don’t leave big gaps in between your attacks, take every chance you can get to get in even one hit to keep building stagger. Staggered Fatal Attacks take out a lot of health especially if you are using Electric weapons. You can even use a charged Legion Arm shot when he is down, before attempting the Fatal Attack.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube) - Beware of the charged AoE attack. He will start doing a charged AoE attack after half his health is taken. To avoid this, you will have to notice him charging up and quickly move far enough away so it doesn’t hit you.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube)
Romeo, King of Puppets Boss Guide (Phase 2)

You have defeated Lies of P King of Puppets, but now the real boss reveals himself; Romeo, King of Puppets. He has been inside this machine all along and now you will need to defeat him in his true form all over again, except this time he is an actual humanoid puppet like your character. Here is how you defeat him:
- Watch out for his leaping strike attack. Whenever he is at some distance from you, he will do a sudden dashing strike. However, this can make him predictable once you learn his behavior and exactly when he does it. It is easy to do this or block this after learning its timing.
- Get behind him by dodging to the sides. Getting behind him is considered easy as his attack animations can be long. Get behind him and use your charge attack to quickly stagger him. Most if not all his attacks are easily dodged to the sides so keep that in mind.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube) - Just like in Lies of P King of Puppets Fight, Romeo also does his attacks in two slashes. If you can learn his rhythm and delay between the two, it’s easy to perfect block or dodge it. Alternatively, you can also distance yourself and do a charge attack right after his second attack.
- For his Fury Attack, he will balance on top of his scythe and come crashing down on the ground in front of you. Whenever you see this happening, either get behind him or create some distance so it doesn’t reach you.
(Image via Neowiz Games/Esoterickk on YouTube) - When he does his Fire Dash attack, he will leave behind a trail of flames so keep an eye out for this and try not to walk into this trail as it will stay there for a while. Also, keep an eye on his jump attack, you can dodge backward or right through him at the moment he lands.
All Rewards for Defeating Lies of P King of Puppets Boss

Here are all the rewards that you can get for defeating King of the Puppets and Romeo, King of Puppets in Lies of P:
- Burnt-White King’s Ergo
- Puppet Prince’s Formal Dress
- Someone’s Necklace
That is all you need to know on how to defeat the Lies of P King of Puppets boss. If you are looking to defeat more such tough bosses, you might also want to know how to defeat the Lies of P Guardian Door boss.