Like any other Dungeons & Dragons game, hitting the max cap is one of the major paths to getting more powerful in Baldur’s Gate 3. Although most games that follow the ruleset of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition have a max level of 20, the Baldur’s Gate 3 max level cap is 12, at least for the time being.
The Baldur’s Gate 3 max level cap and its perks
Every RPG game has a leveling system to begin with, in which players can earn experience points by defeating a lot of enemies and completing multiple quests. Baldur’s Gate 3 is not an exception in this case.
Although Baldur’s Gate 3 had a level cap of only 4 in its early access phase, it got raised to 12 after the release. In fact, the max level cap was level 10 at launch, which got changed afterward with an official announcement. According to Larian Studios, they had to change the max level cap as too many high-level spells were being left out because of their initial approach. Similar to other Dungeons & Dragons games, Baldur’s Gate 3 max level cap might get raised with additional expansions. But as of now, chances are slim.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is more into multiclass builds and skills rather than focusing on the leveling grind. A lower max level cap might seem antithetical to the idea of grand RPG adventure, but it comes with lots of challenging and rewarding experiences. While the most hardcore grinders will be unhappy with this fact, roleplaying aficionados will enjoy their time building each character and their companions.
Leveling up in Baldur’s Gate 3

Based on the other Dungeons & Dragons games, you need to earn XP in Baldur’s Gate 3 by defeating enemies, selecting particular dialogues with NPCs, and finishing quests in the Forgotten Realms. Furthermore, by earning XP, you will also access more abilities and spells as you progress throughout the game, which will help you build your multiclass builds and enjoy the game to its fullest.
To unlock new levels and abilities, you must pass experience point thresholds, the highest being 100000 XP for level 12. In Baldur’s Gate 3, leveling up to 12 will offer you all of the levels of spells, such as Chain Lightning, Globe of Invulnerability, and Otto’s Irresistible Dance, which will make you end-game ready.