Armored Core 6 Plasma Thrower is one of the most impressive weapons in the game. It can give you hours of fun gameplay just hurling it around. As the name suggests, the plasma thrower is a plasma projectile launcher that deals incredible amount of damage when used for its intended purpose.
The Plasma Thrower is an amazing weapon that can both be used to flail the enemy and cause damage with the mine. As useful as the weapon is, using it effectively can be a tricky affair especially if you don’t know how it works. So, here are some tips to make the best out of the Plasma Thrower in Armored Core 6.
How does the Armored Core 6 Plasma Thrower work?
The weapon works like an energy whip with a plasma mine attached to its tip. The thrower is capable of launching the mine across a fair bit of distance. The mine detonates upon impact and deals damage in the area of impact. The Plasma Thrower has a total attack power of 1381 when used effectively. There is also a feature to launch multiple mines which deals greater damage including AOE.
How to get the Armored Core 6 Plasma Thrower
As impressive as the Plasma Thrower is, it is not an easy find in Armored Core 6. You cannot unlock this weapon through regular missions or buy it at the shop. Instead, you’ll have to grind your way through the loghunt to acquire the plasma thrower. You’ll have to reach at least a hunter class rank of 5 to unlock access to this weapon.
How to Use the Plasma Thrower Effectively in Armored Core 6?

Officially designated as 44-143 HMMR, the Plasma Thrower can be a handful to deal with the first time you unlock it. The basic 2 strike combo attack is quite straightforward and can deal plenty of damage. The weapon’s true effectiveness though can be harnessed by using a charged-up swing. This is where things can get a little tricky.
If you go with the usual approach for other weapons and use the automatic lock on feature, the Plasma Thrower can misbehave. You’ll not be able to land the mine cluster in the area you desire, and they end up getting scattered in seemingly random places. To make the best of this attack, you’ll have to turn off the lock on and use manual aim. PC gamers probably already have the feature turned on for obvious reasons. This will ensure that the release of the mines is completely under your control.
All you have to do now is charge up your swing and release it while aiming through the desired area with a spread angle as the situation demands. You’ll have to control your camera movement to ensure that the mines follow the right path before detonating. If used correctly, the Armored Core 6 Plasma Thrower can be a winner’s tool in battle.
Don’t forget to check our detailed guide on how to get Zimmerman shotgun in the game!