According to Starbreeze Studios’ most recent interim report, the Payday franchise has crossed two massive milestones: over 38 million registered players and sales of more than $300 million as of Q1 2023. These numbers include gross sales of the game plus income from downloadable extras like expansions and skins.
The report also states that Payday still draws new players and brings in money for Starbreeze despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other hurdles the gaming industry is facing. According to the report, there are now 2.3 million active users monthly, a 12% growth in active gamers from Q4 2022. The paper also mentions that looking ahead, Payday 3 is expected to be a major driver of growth for Starbreeze.
Payday 3 is now under development and is scheduled for release in 2023. The game is being developed with a new game engine and will feature enhanced graphics and gameplay mechanics, as well as a range of new heist scenarios and characters. The gameplay reveal for Payday 3 is anticipated to occur this summer, along with the beginning of marketing. The company has also said it has financing in place for projects that will be completed in 2025 and 2027.
Payday 3 teaser trailer is out now
Fans of the Payday franchise were taken by a surprise when Starbreeze Studios released the Payday 3 teaser trailer a day ago. While there isn’t any actual gameplay footage in the teaser, it does offer players an idea of what to expect from the upcoming title.
The teaser trailer shows a lone figure standing in a dimly lit room, surrounded by computer screens and a keyboard. The figure then enters a code into the computer, and the screens display various images related to the game’s heist theme, including schematics for a bank vault, blueprints for a jewellery store, and more.
The Payday 3 teaser suggests the series will stick to the heist idea that has made it so successful, even though it doesn’t reveal anything about the game itself. To hype up the fanbase, the trailer also makes a promise that actual gameplay footage will be revealed later this summer.
Payday 3, which is slated for release in 2023, picks up where Payday 2 left off- with the Payday Gang, who appeared to have left their criminal past behind. The game seems to be mostly set in New York and will have the original cast from Payday: The Heist.