Early in your Dragon’s Dogma 2 adventure, you meet a Beastren named Beren. He is a powerful ally, and you can improve your relationship with him to eventually learn a powerful skill for the Warrior vocation. First, though, you need to do some busy work to complete the Claw Them Into Shape quest.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Complete Claw Them Into Shape
For most of the time you might spend with Beren, he occupies the northern part of Vernworth. He has a small camp set up on a hill overlooking Moonglow Garden, which lies a short distance north from Melve. When you travel to Beren’s Tent, you can talk to him to activate his quest. To complete Claw Them Into Shape, you must help Beren secure resources to train better warriors.

After your initial meeting with Beren, which only happens near his tent at night, you have a couple of objectives. You need to procure weapons and find a motivated soldier. It’s easy to do both of those things if you head back to Vernworth.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Investigate the Letter for Sven
When you arrive in Vernworth, head past the portcrystal. It is near the inn and the Oxcart you can ride to Checkpoint Rest Town. As you pass through that area, you should run into a young lad named Humphrey. He doesn’t look like much, but he has warrior ideals. His battle lust makes him the perfect candidate for Beren’s ragtag band of warriors.

Head to the nearby Roderick’s Smithy, where you can acquire the desired weapons. It doesn’t matter what you buy, since you’ll never use any of it yourself. I suggest that you buy three Iron Sword blades, which cost only 1480 G apiece. Then you need to return to Beren’s Tent with the gear. I usually just take an Oxcart directly to Melve and then walk north on the roads to reach the Moonglow Garden area. If you’re approaching by daylight, there is a camp site not far to the southwest where you can pitch a tent to pass the time, rather than standing around and doing nothing.
When you meet with Beren again, you will find him grateful for your efforts so far. He challenges you to a duel. Accept the duel. You will appear in a confined space in the Borderwatch Outpost camp, where you will fight. It doesn’t matter if you win this duel. Winning is a bit of a pain, actually. Beren hacks at your weapons and sends you flying when his blade connects. That leads to a ring out pretty naturally, which is the lose condition. Since it doesn’t seem to matter whether you win or lose, I suggest just taking whatever result you get.

After the duel ends, some young soldiers arrive with news of a cyclops attack. Now you need to follow Beren a short distance up the trail from the camp. You will likely encounter an enemy mob along the way, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Defeat any monsters and continue after Beren.
Eventually, you reach an area where the soldiers battled against a cyclops. There will be some brief discussion. Then the quest concludes.
If you want to earn a proper reward, you’ll have to meet Beren a few more times near his tent and complete the related Beren’s Final Lesson quest before finding him in an old cabin on the road leading south into Battahl from Checkpoint Rest Town. Depending where you are in your adventure, those activities might not happen for a long while.