There are some interesting side quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2. They provide glimpses of the world you will save as the Arisen, and they often offer unique rewards in the form of equipment. Some of them require a lot of busywork, though, which is the case with the Spellbound quest.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Complete Spellbound
You can find the Spellbound side quest in an area you have access to starting pretty early in the game. It starts when you visit a cabin to see a young woman named Trysha who hopes to learn magic. Her grandmother, Eini, isn’t eager for that to happen. Neither is her father. To complete Spellbound in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must help Trysha acquire several grimoires, and then save her from herself.

Before you do anything, a word of advice: grab the grimoires before making the trek to the house where you find Trysha. That will save you from wasting time making extra trips. Once you have all five volumes, find Trysha at Eini’s House, which is located north of Melve. Its location is indicated in the above map screenshot.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Where to Find the Sorcerer Maister
When you visit Eini’s House, you’ll witness a tense discussion. Eini should then leave the house. Now you can talk to Trysha. She asks you to bring five grimoires. If you brought the correct ones along, hand them over immediately by talking to her again.

The screenshot above shows what it looks like to hand over all five volumes at once. You should be able to make a partial delivery if necessary, though. I had all five available to me at once because I made forgeries when I found most of them for the Sorcerer Maister. He’ll take fakes, so that’s what I gave him. Trysha insists on the real thing.
The grimoires you need are as follows:
- Let There Be Light – Look upstairs in the house in Checkpoint Rest Town where you meet the Sorcerer Maister.
- Fulminous Shield – Buy it from the traveling merchant near Melve’s front gate.
- Nation’s Death Knell – Clear the Tolled to Rest side quest and find this grimoire in the room at the tower in the Ancient Battleground where Oskar rings the bell.
- Howling Blizzard – Located in the Waterfall Cave, northeast of Borderwatch Outpost. Finding it can be tricky. Check out our full guide on where to find Howling Blizzard if you need detailed directions.
- Towering Earth – Visit Magistrate Waldhar in his prison cell. If you have freed him, you can find him in the vault beneath the The Gracious Hand in the slums in Vernworth.
You may find some of the grimoires in additional locations, if you scour the game’s world. However, the above spots definitely work. When you hand all five grimoires to Trysha, she is grateful. She gives you the Turquoise Ring as a reward. Then, the game advises you to return in a few days.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait around for time to pass. Instead, leave the house and head up the trail leading away from it. At the top of the hill, there is a campsite next to the Riftstone of Abundance. Just pitch a tent and pass time until the next morning. Then start downhill toward Eini’s House again. You’ll hear a scream.
Rush down the hill to find Trysha going wild with her magic. Her grandmother and father are running around the area as she rains down magical energy. You should do the same thing. Keep moving to avoid her attacks, while your pawns chase her around the clearing. Don’t worry about attacking. Eventually, you’ll be told that Trysha should be about exhausted. Find her and get close. Then press the button indicated to tackle her. She may be on a high boulder, or on the ground level. Just make sure not to kill her, unless you want to spend a Wakestone reviving her.

Once you stop Trysha’s accidental rampage, you are taken inside the house. Eini thanks you for your heroics. She also asks you to visit again in a few days’ time.
Head back uphill and camp. Return the next morning. When you do, you can meet Trysha in the front room. Talk to her to complete the quest. She hands over 2000 XP, 3000 G, and the Cast Stone rod. It’s a very good option for your favorite mage.