Anubis stands out as one of the most powerful ground-type Pal in the game. Its resemblance to the Pokémon Lucario makes it even more desirable to many players. Being a ground type, Anubis inhabits the desert region Twilight Dunes. Even if you locate Anubis, it is extremely challenging to defeat it.
Where To Find Anubis In Palworld
Anubis is an alpha pal indigenous to the central Twilight Dunes and hence cannot be spotted elsewhere. Anubis can be found standing strong at level 47 and only spawns around a Statue of Power.
Tip: The desert has a punishing environment, so make sure you have temperature-resistant clothing on.
Related: How To Level Up Faster In Palworld
How To Catch Anubis in Palworld

Catching Anubis should preferably be done using a legendary sphere. Being a ground-type Pal, Anubis is vulnerable against Grass Type Pals. You should consider using strong Grass Type Pals such as Mossanda, Robinquill, Wumpo Botan, and Lyleen. The bottom line is your roster must have strong Pals that can withstand level 47.
Apart from this, you will need to gear up with effective guns to knock down Anubis once it has weakened. And when the opportunity strikes, use a legendary sphere to capture it. Anubis is a sneaky Pal, so be ready for repeated failures.