As a ruler of a town in Manor Lords, there are plenty of responsibilities you will have to undertake. However, expanding into other regions and such will require you to gain some Influence. Your rule and the positive word about it need to spread across the lands. So naturally, getting Influence is a matter of doing the right things for your town and making it prosper. Let’s look at what can make you gain Influence in Manor Lords.
Getting Influence Quickly in Manor Lords
In Manor Lords, Influence can be gained by doing the following things:
- Raising the level of your Settlement
- Enacting a Policy
- Destroying Bandit Camps
- Upgrading the Church
- Upgrading the Manor
These are the only ways to earn Influence, so you’re quite limited except for taking over Bandit Camps. Other than that, the other activities can only be done once or twice throughout your playthrough.
Also Read: How To Build An Army In Manor Lords

Raising the settlement level is done by meeting the requirements for each level. You can check what you need to do to increase the level by hovering your cursor over the region name at the top of your screen.
So if you want to keep gaining Influence in Manor Lords, the best way is to constantly go out and conquer the Bandit Camps that keep spawning every so often. It would make sense as well since the word of your power will spread as you destroy the camps, which increases your influence over the lands.
With Influence, you will be able to expand into other regions and start new towns in each region until you have a town in every region of the map. If you went with the default scenario, you will have to fight against the AI Lord as he will be in control of at least two other regions on the map.