Remnant 2 is the latest sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, a Soulslike shooter that is most fun when played with friends. In Remnant 2, Rusty Medal is a material that you can use to craft items. The game features an extensive crafting system that compliments the RPG elements and mechanics very well.
In this guide, we will show you how exactly you can find Rusty Medal and how you can use it to craft a specific item that will allow you to unlock the Hunter Archetype, which makes its return from the first title.
Rusty Medal: How to Find & Use It

The Rusty Medal is a crafting material that can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13 and is used to craft an item called Sniper War Medal Engram. This engram allows you to unlock the Hunter Archetype, a returning archetype from Remnant: From the Ashes.
An archetype represents different classes you can play, and the Hunter is a long-range damage dealer that can exploit weak points and has a lot of burst damage potential. If you want to unlock this Archetype, you will need the Sniper War Medal engram, which in turn requires the Rusty Medal.
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To get the Remnant 2 Rusty Medal, you will first need to collect 1500 Scraps. Scraps are the main currency in Remant 2 and they can be acquired through general looting around the world and also by selling items.

Once you have 1500 Scarps, head over to Brabus, who is one of the merchants in Ward 13. He can be found in the Firing Range area. Buy the Rusty Medal from him and then head over to the docks area, at the hut on top of a crane. Here, you will find Wallace, another NPC merchant who can help the player with various tasks.
You might remember Wallace from the start of the game as he is one of the first NPCs you meet. With the help of Wallace, you will be able to craft the Sniper War Medal Engram which will then unlock the Hunter Archetype for you.
That is all you need to know on how to find Remnant 2 Rusty Medal in order to unlock the classic Hunter archetype from the previous title. If the Hunter class was your favorite before, it is even more fun and in-depth in Remnant 2 and you will enjoy the long-range capabilities that the Hunter brings with him. Having the Rusty Medal unlocks the Hunter Archetype, and you might also be interested in exploring the Explorer Archetype for a different gameplay experience.