With the removal of Legendary Shards in Destiny 2 The Final Shape, the household shopkeeper Xur now takes Strange Coins instead of those and also has his new permanent shop at the Tower. Not only that, but he also sells some new items. So, here is how you can get Strange Coins in Destiny 2 to buy exotic weapons, catalysts, armor, and more from the new Xur shop.
How To Earn Strange Coins In Destiny 2

While there are many sources to earn Strange Coins, doing Ritual Activities like Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Ops, provides a consistent and steady flow of it which makes them good as a farm. However, you can also earn them through your usual activities in Destiny 2 like simply doing campaign missions, opening certain chests, or through playlist activities like Trials of Osiris, Onslaught, and Iron Banner.
Some activities will also have a Strange Coin drop rate boost, which changes with the weekly reset, so keep an eye out for those. But if you don’t like playing these activities, it’s perfectly fine to stick to your usual activities to gain Strange Coins.
How To Farm Strange Coins In Destiny 2

If you are looking to farm a lot of Strange Coins in Destiny 2, the best way is to obtain the Favor of the Nine buff from Xur which requires spending 47 Strange Coins at Xur’s shop. While you do need to spend these Strange Coins to get this buff, this investment is worth the grind since it will double your Strange Coin drop rate for 11 days. You can only hold 99 max Strange Coins, so you will need to spend at some point anyway.
If you have a bunch of Strange Coins already, you can even stack the Favor of the Nine buffs three times and the 11-day timer will reset back to 11 with each buff. With a full stack, you are looking at four times the amount of Strange Coins which will give you more coins back than you spent getting those buffs as long as you grind them every day and play the activities with the weekly bonus.
How to Use Strange Coins in Destiny 2

Strange Coins in Destiny 2 can be used to buy various items from Xur like Exotic weapons, materials, currencies for other shops, engrams, and even Exotic weapon catalysts. Xur can now be found at the Tower where you will be able to spend your hard-earned Strange Coins. This is also where you can buy the Favor of the Nine on the “More Strange Offers” page.