Whether you want a cozy bed, a scarecrow for your farm, or even a thatched roof for your home in Enshrouded, you will definitely need Straw to craft these items in the game. This essential resource can be hard to find if you’re not searching for it in the correct areas of the Embervale map.
Where To Find Straw In Enshrouded
You can get Straw in Enshrouded by harvesting Wheat farms. One of the closest wheat farms you can find early game is the Bounty Barn which lies to the east of Umber’s Hollow and south of the Nomad Highlands region.
But before you can head to the Nomad Highlands region, you will need to raise your Flame Level to 4 to unlock the area on the map. You can also find Bell Peppers, Sage, and hidden chests in the Bounty Barn.
The farm has tons of wheat to harvest, which yields one Straw and one wheat seed each time. These wheat seeds can be planted on your farm to have a constant supply of straw without traveling far to get them.
How To Farm Straw In Enshrouded
To farm Straw in Enshrouded, you need Wheat Seedlings to plant on your seed bed. To make wheat seedlings, you need:
- Wheat seeds
- 1x water
- 1x Fossilized Bone Dust
After that, just plant the seedlings on the ground or in a secured seed bed and wait for the wheat to grow. If you keep on planting and harvesting, you will have a constant supply of endless straw for your home décor and armor.