You’ll meet people of various races on your journey through Dragon’s Dogma 2, including elves. Unfortunately, their speech sounds like a completely foreign language. The subtitles don’t help. Even the menus appear in an illegible script. Fortunately, it is possible to understand them if you make the effort.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Understand the Elves in Sacred Arbor
The elves live in Sacred Arbor, a remote location in a deep forest. By the time you arrive, you may be low on resources. You’ll probably want to spend some time looking around and getting to know the area you trekked so far to find. However, that’s difficult to do when you can’t speak the language. To understand the Elves in Sacred Arbor, you need to either bring a pawn with the Woodland Wordsmith specialization, or one who can learn it.

The Woodland Wordsmith specialization automatically translates elvish on your behalf, while the pawn who possesses it is in your party. Subtitles and menus are suddenly easy to understand and you can explore as usual. If you come to the area with an appropriate pawn, great. If not, you can learn the Woodland Wordsmith specialization by finding and equipping the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome. Just keep in mind that it replaces whatever specialization is currently active.
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You acquire the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome from an elf in Sacred Arbor. I believe you can learn it from a variety of different elves. I learned it from Kough, the woman who operates the inn. To do so, I talked to her and gave her the gift of a Bunch of Flowers. Then I selected the top menu option and spent the night. Then, I immediately gave her more flowers and spent the night again. After that, I gave her a third flower gift and she handed over the tome.

If you have arrived at Sacred Arbor without everything you need, as I did, it’s not a problem. You can find four Sunbloom flowers on a low ledge overlooking the water at the base of the area. Then, you can head outside Sacred Arbor. On the trail that let you approach, there are large patches of blue Moonglow flowers. Combine a Sunbloom flower with a Moonglow flower to produce a Bunch of Flowers. Just make sure you can afford to stay at the inn. It costs 3000 G per night.
To activate the new specialization, use the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome from the item menu. It will take immediate effect. Now you can finally understand the elves. That’s bound to be useful!