Regarded as one of the hardest bosses to beat in Lies of P, Laxasia the Complete is Simon Manus’s bodyguard and the only person standing in your way to Manus’ lair. Laxasia guards the Ascension Bridge in Arche Abbey and vows to protect it at all costs.
According to the lore, Laxasia was once known as the Alchemist Adriana who received the elixir’s blessings. This, in turn, made her into a living breathing alchemist experiment devoted to Manus. Now she is a super powerful entity with incredible agility who wields an electrifying sword.
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Laxasia’s Location

Laxasia can be found guarding the Arche Abbey ascension bridge which connects to Simon Manus’ tower. She is also located next to a nearby Stargazer for your fast travel ease. You can initiate the boss fight by walking towards her.
She will also detect you approaching and will rush at you with quite some force, so gear up and get ready to beat this boss.
How to Beat Laxasia in Lies of P?
To beat Laxasia, make sure you have enough throwables and a Specter aiding you in your boss fight. Just try to avoid its electric sword and jumping strikes using Perfect Guard and strike at perfect opportunities.
Recommended Weapons and Items
Items | Name | Description |
Primary Weapon | Acidic Crystal Spear (Blade + Handle) | The Acidic Crystal Spear blade is leveled up to +10 and has Tier S Advance, dealing 100+ physical damage and 160+ acid damage. |
Legion Arm | Aegis | Block enemy attacks, and damage them at the same time. |
Throwables | Throwing Cell Thermite Carcass Body Fluid Bottle Acid Canister Shot Put | These throwables deal damage upon impact and also damage overtime. (Black Market Trader in Malum District sells most of these) |
Heal | Healing Cubes (x2) | To heal the Specter helping you fight and tanking hits. |
Amulets | Carrier’s Amulet Murderer Puppet’s Amulet Iron Wall Amulet | Carrier’s Amulet increases the carrying weight, Murderer Puppet’s Amulet increases the damage dealt to humans, and the Iron Wall Amulet increases the Physical Damage recovery rate. |
How to Summon a Specter in Lies of P?
To summon a Specter for the Laxasia boss battle, spot the brazier with blue flames coming out of it and throw in a Star Fragment to summon your AI-controlled helper for this fight.
You can also buy the Healing Wishtones from Giangio in exchange for a Gold Fruit Coin. Healing Wishstones when attached to the Cube help you heal your Specter.
Phase 1

Phase 1 is where Laxasia will mostly stay on the ground and charge at you with full force. At the start of the fight, you can dash at her and use Perfect Guard when she lunges at you. Also, make sure to direct all her attacks onto you so that your Specter can strike from the back and not take any damage during the first phase. Otherwise, it would be hard for you in the second phase.
She has some fixed move sets for Phase 1 which include:
Move | Description | Counter |
Jumping Strike | Laxasia jumps at you from a distance and tries to strike you with her sword. | You can block her attack and strike to stagger. |
Electric Swing | She drags her sword on the ground to charge it with electricity and swings it toward you. The area also explodes with lightning. | You can avoid this attack by dodging behind her. Just make sure to avoid the exploding areas. |
Kick | She might use her kick to disarm you from a close distance. | Just dodge to the side. |
Lunge and Stab | Laxasia can lunge at you with force and try to stab with her sword. | You can dodge or block her attack. |
Uppercuts | She swings the sword in uppercut motions and walks towards you. | Stay far away from this attack and strike when she takes a moment to recover. |
Spinning Electricity | She can electrify the area around her by spinning her electric sword. | You cannot block this attack, so just try to stay far from the area of her spin. |
Sword Charge | She runs toward you with her sword. | Try to dodge when she wields her sword at you to attack. |
You can also make good use of your Aegis Legion arm and block her sword attacks. Just make sure to use the opportunity to attack when she focuses on your Specter instead of you and Phase 1 will end quickly.
Phase 2

Phase 2 is where Laxasia will ascend to the sky and try to injure you with lightning strikes. So, it is best to let your Specter take the lead and tank the first few hits to keep her distracted while you make use of your countless throwables on her.
You can also try to use the Aegis shield on her lightning attacks to parry them and send them back to her. If you do them proficiently enough, they will be perfect parry each time. If you find this challenging, just wait for her to come down and throw a few more thermites to make her stagger.
A few of her move sets in Phase 2 include:
Move | Description | Counter |
Electric Dash | She will run around the arena and cause electric bursts in the ground. | Try to delay your movement and let the explosions trigger before you walk that path. |
Lightning Strikes | She will go up in the sky and shoot lightning at you. | Dodge her attacks and close in on her when she descends. |
Storm Cloud | Laxasia will target your location and shoot out lightning from a cloud. | You can use dodge or side step for this move. |
Lightning Burst | A wave of electric pulse charges and bursts around Laxasia during this move. | You cannot block or dodge this move, so it’s best to get as far away from it as possible. |
Remember, she will be very agile in this phase and that could make you miss when you aim your throwables at her. You can target Laxasia when she stops for a brief moment amidst her prance around you and your Specter.
Also, make sure to use your healing cube to heal the Specter since it will be tanking a lot of damage from her lightning attacks.
Rewards for beating Laxasia the Complete in Lies of P
Defeating Laxasia will grant you the rare Sad Zealot’s Ergo and 16,000 Ergo as a reward. You can exchange the Sad Zealot’s Ergo for the Uroboros’s Eye boss weapon from Alidoro.
Now that Laxasia has been finally defeated, go ahead and face Simon Manus for the ultimate battle. But, before that do take a look at our Simon Manus boss guide for all the help you would need.