If you have been playing Remnant 2 for some time now, you might have already discovered some of the carefully hidden secrets in the game. The Expanding Glade location in the Yaesha realm is yet another area in this game that has a well-crafted secret puzzle that rewards players with the Blooming Heart relic. It also houses a Boss enemy known as Shrewd, a returning boss from the previous title.
Some puzzles and secrets are easy to understand, but this one here can take some time to figure out. This is why in this guide, we will explain how to solve this puzzle in an easy step-by-step fashion to help you get the Blooming Heart Relic, while also giving tips on defeating Shrewd so you can complete this location entirely.
How to Solve The Expanding Glade Plinth Puzzle in Remnant 2
- Explore The Expanding Glade Location until you find the Plinth Tower. This tower will have an elevator in the middle. That’s how you will know it’s the tower you are looking for.
- Before the elevator section where the two staircases are on each side, you will see a flat wall in between them. This is an invisible secret doorway that you can go through. Inside, you will find a mechanism that requires certain symbols to be put in the correct order.
(Image via Gunfire Games/Trophygamers on Youtube) - Head back to the elevator which activates with a pressure plate on it. So, what you have to do now is to activate this pressure plate and immediately roll back out of the elevator, letting it go up on its own.
(Image via Gunfire Games/Trophygamers on Youtube) - You will now notice a set of blue symbols go past you as the elevator goes up revealing the symbols in the walls underneath it. Note down or memorize these symbols in this order— the first symbol you see after the elevator goes up is your first symbol for the puzzle, the next one is the second, and so on. You should have four symbols noted in this order.
Note: Use the elevator lever to call the elevator back down, in case you missed any symbols.(Image via Gunfire Games/Trophygamers on Youtube) - Now, head back to the hidden mechanism behind the fake wall from before. Interact with it and you will notice it has 4 rings that can rotate around. Your first symbol should be on the top of the outermost ring. The second will be right below that on the inner ring and so on, until you have all four symbols lined up from the top to the center of the mechanism.
(Image via Gunfire Games/Trophygamers on Youtube) - Once configured, the door behind it will unlock, giving you access to the Blooming Heart Relic and completing the Expanding Glade Location Plinth Puzzle.
How to defeat Shrewd at The Expanding Glade location in Remnant 2

Shrewd lives up to its name by attacking the players in a strategic fashion and being smart about his positioning. It was a tough boss in the previous game and while the boss fight in Remnant 2 isn’t similar, it is still comparable in terms of difficulty. Defeating Shrewd will give you Soul Silver which can be used to craft the Rotted Arrow weapon mod. As you venture through the mystical pathways of the Expanding Glade, the complex mechanisms you’ll encounter might remind seasoned explorers of the intricate puzzles in the Navigation Room Event from earlier in their journey.
Here are the tips and strategies you need to use in order to defeat Shrewd in the Expanding Glade Location:
- Understand the arena of this fight. The arena has a large tree in the middle with 3 distinct raised platforms all around that Shrewd uses to perch upon. He will keep alternating between these platforms and occasionally come out to do some melee attacks.
- When he is on the platforms, he will either shoot an explosive arrow or a flurry of multiple arrows. Both of these can be dodged if you time your dodge right, no matter whether you have a light, medium, or heavy roll. Dodging it correctly will give you an opening to deal damage right after.
- When he decides to engage in melee combat, you need to avoid him for the most part and focus on not getting hit. Dealing any damage during this part is tough.
- Sometimes, seeds will drop from the main tree in the center of the arena. These can spawn annoying little enemies that can make you lose the fight. So, make sure to shoot these before they hatch. During this phase, he cannot be damaged so you should always focus on the seeds.
That is all you need to know about The Expanding Glade location in Remnant 2. For more guides and articles like this, check out our complete Remnant 2 Guides Hub to find everything you are looking for.